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Hermione woke up in Draco's embrace. She couldn't help but smile. She was right. Draco made her nightmares go away. But how? Why is it that specifically Draco would make them go away? Was it a sign for something? And why was he put in her nightmares in the first place?

She ignored these thoughts and laid her head on his chest. She could feel his chest moving up and down with every breath. But she also noticed how fast his heart was beating.

Draco woke up his arms still around Hermione. He looked down at her, and couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked. An hour had passed, and it looked like Hermione was about to wake up. He panicked and pretended to be asleep again. He quickly closed his eyes, and laid his head back. He could hear rustling of the sheets, and could feel Hermione coming closer. He felt her lay her head on his chest. He blushed, trying to keep his breathe steady.

But the quickening of his heart beat gave him away. "Good morning, Draco." Hermione giggled. But he refused to give in. He lay still, his eyes still closed. "I know you're awake, Draco." Hermione said, as she got up. But he didn't dare move. Hermione giggled once more before sitting on top of his chest. "Why don't you get up, Malfoy?" She whispered in his ear, leaving chills down his spine. He still didn't get up, and started to enjoy the teasing. "Come on. I know you're awake." Said Hermione, now laying down on his chest. Her lips were just barely hovering over his, as his eyes shot open. He pulled her into the kiss, and then flipping her over so now he was on top. "I knew you were awake." Hermione giggled. "Yeah yeah." Draco grinned. He started to tickle her sides as he now sat on top of her. "Oh my god! Draco stop!" Hermione squealed, in bursts of laughter. "What if I don't want to, Granger." Draco smirked, but stopped. "Then I'll kiss you again." Hermione said, raising an eyebrow. "You're acting like that's a bad thing." Draco said, as he continued to tickle her. "Draco! Ahhh! Stop! Oh my god! Draco, please!" Hermione begged, tears flooding down her face. "Fine." Said Draco. "Now what about that kiss you were talking about, Hermione." Hermione laughed as she rolled her eyes. She gave him a peck on the lips and crossed her arms. "Satisfied?" She asked. "Not really, but I guess that'll do." Draco said, getting off her. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom to shower?" He asked. "I don't mind. Go ahead." Hermione said, waving him off. Draco picked up his bag and went into the bathroom.

As he took his shower, Hermione changed into her robes and started brushing her hair by the time he was done. He had his Slytherin robe on, and his hair was slicked back like he used to do in their first/second year at Hogwarts. But other than that there was something else on Hermiones mind. "Malfoy, could I ask you something?" Hermione asked, nervously. "Uh, sure Granger." Said Draco, as he walked towards her. "What are we?" She asked. There was a moment of silence between the two. "Whatever you want us to be." The Slytherin said, resting his forehead against hers, holding both of her hands. "What if I don't know." Hermione said, in barely a whisper. "Then you can have all the time in the world, to make your decision. And I'll respect that." Draco said, in a soft voice. "I need time." Hermione stated. "Then, I'll wait." Said Draco. He let go of her hands and kissed her on the cheek, before grabbing his bag and leaving.

What were they? When did this happen? Did she really have feelings for him? Did he really have feelings for her? Or did she just like him because he got rid of her nightmares? And how did he even get into her nightmares? What did that mean? Was he added into her nightmares because she cares about him? Or was it just random? These thoughts circled her head for days.

Winter break had passed, and everyone was back. Lunch had just started and Hermione was exhausted. She still had her nightmares and was now studying for many different exams. "Hey, Hermione." Harry said, as he tapped her arm. Hermione hummed and looked up at Harry. "Why have you been so quiet these days?" Harry asked. "Oh, it's just I'm a little stressed out. With the exams, and the nightmares, and this other thing that I need to make a decision on that might really impact me..." Hermione explained. "What's the decision thing?" Ron asked. "It's kinda personal. It's about a guy..." Hermione said. "Well, does he make you happy?" Ron asks. "Does he make you smile. Do you feel like your safe when your with him? Does he treat with you respect? Can you trust him? Just ask yourself those before you decide." "Thanks, Ron. And I think you just helped me figure out my decision. But I have to admit, it's unexpected."

A/N: You see what I did there? Anyways, I really hope you're enjoying this story. And by any chance if any of you are part of the phandom I have written two other stories "Skinny Love(a phanfiction)" and "Our Kingdom(a phanfiction)". So you can check those out if you want. Also, I will be writing another Dramione story soon, so look out for that!

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