The Library

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Hermione woke up with a start. Sweat beading her forehead, tears streaked down her face. Every now and then she would have nightmares. Everything would be pitch black, and she would be falling, but she could not scream. She would be forced to see her parents killed, then Harry, then Ron. She calmed her breathing and ran off into the bathroom to clean her face. She tried to do this as quietly as possible, she would hate to wake up one of the other gryffindor girls. She opened up the curtains a bit, and was startled by the sudden sun light. She blinked a few times before focusing again. It wasn't late at night, but it wasnt too early. She walked back into bed, but didn't dare to sleep. She opened up the book that Professor Mcgonagall had assigned them the day before. She might as well start studying, the test was in three weeks.

Soon, the other girls had woken up, and Hermione put her book down. She quickly got dressed and hurried off to breakfast. "Miss Granger, may I talk to you for a moment?" Professor Snape asked. "Oh, um, of course Professor." Hermione said, turning around to face him. Snape brought her to the side, letting other students pass. "As you may have heard, while you, Potter, and Weasley were snooping around Mr. Malfoy needs some help in his studies." Snape explained. "What does that have to do with me?" Hermione asked, hoping he wasn't suggesting what she was thinking. "You have the highest grades in the class, and so I shall be appointing you to assist Mr. Malfoy in anyway you can. You will meet during lunch hours in the library and you are now Mr. Malfoy's partner in my class." He said. "But what about Neville, who will his partner be?" Hermione asked, concerned. Neville wasn't the best with potions. "I'll assign him with Weasely and Potter, if that means you will work hard with Malfoy." Hermione gave out a relieved sigh. At least Neville wouldn't be suffering, like she would be. "Any other questions?" Snape asked, clearly annoyed. "No, professor." Hermione answered, and went off to go get breakfast.

"YOU'RE HIS TUTOR?!" Ron yelled in disbelief. "Keep your mouth shut." Hermione hissed. "Why would Snape do that?" Harry asked. "He hates me, but I do have the highest grade in his class." She sighed. "What's going to happen to Neville?" Harry asked. "He'll be fine. Snape's moving him with you two, so at least he won't be stuck with Crabbe or Goyle." Hermione said. "Hey, Draco's looking at you funny." Ron said to Hermione. Hermione looked over to Ron's right where he was looking at. Malfoy turned bright red and quickly looked away. "What's his deal?" Ron said. "I can't believe I have to spend lunch with him." Hermione groaned. "You know we could always try to sneak in during lunch to keep you company." Harry suggested. "That would be amazing, but I don't want you guys to get in trouble. Besides if Snape catches you, who knows how many points he'll take from Gryffindor."

Professor Snape's class came much sooner than Hermione would have liked. "Hurry up and sit down! But don't get too comfortable, I will be changing a few people's partners." Boomed Snape. Hermione let out a small groan, gathering her books ready to move. "Pansy, please join Crabbe and Goyles group. And Mr. Longbotton join Harry and Ron. And lastly Miss. Granger take the seat next to Draco." Instructed Severus. Hermione placed her books down onto the table and avoided eye contact with Draco. "Granger." "Malfoy."

For the rest of the lesson Hermione seemed to do all the work, as Draco sat back and bickered. "Can't you do some work?" Hermione complained. "Why should I? I already have a mudblood that can do all the work for me." He smirked. Hermione looked at him with pure rage. Without thinking, she swiftly slapped him across the face. "Miss. Granger! I will not allow violence! 10 points from Gryffindor!" Snape announced. Hermione said nothing, knowing Snape would just take more points away for back-talking. "Don't you ever! Call me that again." Hermione hissed. "Whatever, Granger." Draco chuckled, as he held the spot where she had just smacked him.

It was soon lunch, where Hermione had to meet Draco in the library. She got her lunch, and walked over to the library. Draco was already there, but Pansy was too. Draco had her against the bookshelves having a make-out session. Hermione was disgusted and turned to walk away. "Granger! I was waiting for you!" Malfoy said, in his usually cocky tone. She turned to see Malfoy with his arm around Pansy.

Malfoy and Pansy had just started dating when the school year started. Most people thought that they were perfect together, but Hermione just couldn't help but feel disgusted when they're together.

"I'm aware, but you were too busy kissing your girlfriend that I thought I should leave you two alone." Hermione said. "Ooh, jealous are we?" Draco asked, amused. "Ugh, no." Hermione said, pretending to gag. "I'll see you later, babe." Draco said to Pansy, as she kissed him on the cheek. She waved him goodbye and left. "So, um, let's get started." Hermione said awkwardly, as she placed down a book.

During lunch, Draco surprisingly paid close attention and was even able to make Hermione laugh a bit. "You did really good." Hermione said, closing the book. "I know." Malfoy smirked. "Why don't you act like that in class?" Hermione thought to herself. "Ok, well I'm going to go then." Hermione said getting up from her seat. "Wait-" Draco said, grabbing her wrist. His cold hand gave Hermione goosebumps. "Yeah?" Draco opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. "Nothing, forget it." He said, letting go.

A/N: Can you feel the tension between the two of them yet?

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