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"Hey, where are you going?" Ron asked, as Hermione got up. "Making up my mind." She said and turned around to see Draco, who had just walked into the main hall.

"Hey, could I talk to you?" Asked Hermione. "Yeah, I guess." Draco shrugged. She lead him back outside of the main hall. "What do you think she's doing with, Malfoy?" Harry asked. "No clue." Said Ron. "You think Goyle and Crabbe may know something?" "Doubt it." said Harry.

Before Draco could say a word, Hermione cut him off with a kiss. "What're you doing?" Draco asked in between breathes, with no intention of breaking the kiss. "Making up my mind." Hermione gasped, as Draco brought her closer. "And what would that be?" Draco asked, pulling away. "It means that I want you to be mine." Hermione whispered. "Then I'll be yours as long as you're mine." Draco whispered, caressing her cheek. "Then I guess I'm yours." Hermione smiled, as she kissed him again. "What the hell?!" Draco and Hermione quickly turned to see Pansy, who looked like steam was about to come bursting out of her ears. "What are you doing with her?!" Pansy screeched, pointing a finger at Hermione. "Why do you care? You're the one who cheated on me! Just leave and forget what you saw!" Draco yelled. A devilish smile formed on Pansy's face. "What if I don't keep my mouth shut. What if I tell the whole school, you were over here snogging the mud blood." "Don't call her a mud blood." Draco said, through clenched teeth. "I'll call her what I want." She hissed. "Anyways, there is a way you could earn my silence." She smirked. "What is it?" Hermione asked. "I didn't tell you to speak, you filthy mud blood." Pansy spat. "Just tell us how we can earn your silence." Draco snarled, his fists clenched. "Well.... If you got back with me. I suppose I could forget all about this." Pansy grinned. "Deal." Hermione shot. "What! No! Hermione!" Draco said, as he turned to face her. "What are you doing?" He whispered. "Just do it. I know you don't actually have feelings for her, so I know you're not cheating on me. And trust me, people would probably think of you differently, if you were with me. It's fine." Hermione whispered. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yeah. If it'll keep her mouth shut. I don't want to ruin you reputation." She said. Draco nodded and turned back around to a sneering Pansy. "Ok, fine. But you better keep your mouth shut." Draco warned. Pansy let out a giggle and quickly linked arms with him. Hermione knew Draco had feelings for her not Pansy, but she couldn't help but clench her fists. "Jealous, Granger?" Pansy asked, amused. Hermione rolled her eyes and walked away, back to the main hall.

"What were you doing with Malfoy?" Harry asked, as the Gryffindor sat back down. "Just discussing about our project for Snape's project." Hermione lied. "Are you okay, Hermione?" Ron asked, reaching for her hand. She quickly pulled back and got up. "I'm fine, Ronald. I'm going to the library." Hermione said, as she got up.

She hurried out of the main hall, avoiding anymore question Harry or Ron might throw her way. "Miss Granger, what are you doing out and about?" Snape said, suspiciously. "I was going to go to the library." Hermione said, honestly. "Well, now that I have you I wanted to inform you that Mr. Malfoy is not in need of your services anymore. He has improved greatly. You will be moved back with Mr. Longbottom and you're no longer required to help him study. 10 points to Gryffindor." (A/N: I just noticed that I forgot to include that after winter break Snape had moved their study sessions to dinner. Just wanted to add this to maybe include any questions on why they weren't in the library in the first place) "Wait, what?!" Hermione practically yelled in disbelief. "Do not raise your voice at me Miss. Granger. Now get a move on before I take 20 points away from Gryffindor." Snape threatened. Hermione sighed and walked off to the library.

She sat down at the table her and Draco always sat at, when they were studying. "Are you okay?" Asked a voice. She looked up to a concerned Draco. "Yeah, just a little upset that we won't be partners in class anymore. And that we won't be sitting at this table studying together." Hermione sighed. "I know. Snape told me just before he told you." Draco said, taking a seat next to her. "I'm going to miss the teasing and all the useless facts you told me." Said the Slytherin. "They weren't useless." Said, Hermione as she playfully hit him. "Yes, they were. If I hadn't memorized them, like you told me to, I would still be failing Snape's class and studying with you." Draco grinned. "Yes, but then you would be failing." Hermione pointed out. "It'd be worth it." Draco said, kissing her forehead. "I wish I had just put a memory charm on Pansy." Hermione sighed. "Then why didn't you." Malfoy asked. "Because if I did it wrong, I would be expelled. And there is no way I'm going to go a muggle school, I would miss Hogwarts too much. And you." Hermione said, looking up at the Slytherin. Draco licked his lips before his lips crashed against Hermione's. He started to kiss down her chin and then to her neck. "Draco." She moaned, as she quickly bit her lip. "Someone could see." She said, breathlessly. "No one's here. Don't worry." Draco said, as went back up to her mouth.

Draco finally pulled away, fixing his hair. "I should go. I told Pansy I was using the bathroom." Said Draco. "Yeah, ok." Hermione said, a shade of red as she tried to cover up the love bite Draco had made on her neck. "I-i love you." Draco said, nervously, scared she wasn't going to say it back. "I love you, too." Hermione grinned, a sudden burst of happiness overcoming her. But she had no idea what kind of hell she was about to be thrown into.

A/N: (Joshua)Dun! Dun! Dun! So I guess I kinda left it on a cliff hanger...not really. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter!

Unexpected(Dramione)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang