I Love You

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For the next 2 weeks Pansy would drag Draco, like some kind of show dog, to get onto Hermione's nerve. She couldn't feel a sort of hatred and envy toward Pansy. And because Snape had moved her back with Neville and got rid of their study sessions, he was now with Pansy. ALL. THE. TIME. She couldn't have one word with him, without Pansy jumping in to interrupt them. Hermione felt as if she would lose her mind, but she wasn't the only one.

Draco hated how helpless Hermione looked as they would pass each other in the halls. Pansy would just laugh and make rude comments. Draco couldn't fight back, so he wouldn't say a word and would shamefully follow Pansy.

It was breakfast and Hermione was sat at the usual Gryffindor table. Hermione clenched her fists as she noticed Draco's arm around her, as she played with his hair. "Is something wrong?" Ron asked, concerned. "Oh, um no. I'm fine." She said, unclenchjng her fists. "Just a bit stressed out for Professor McGonagall's quiz today." She lied(there was an upcoming test, but she was obviously not stressed out about it all, she had studied a week in advance). "Bloody hell! I haven't got a clue on what it's on." Ron sighed. "Ron, you seriously need to start studying. If you fail another test Mum will send a howler." Ginny said, as she sat down beside Harry. "I know. I know. What page will it mostly be on, Hermione?" Ron asked, as he opened one of his books. "Page 392, start on the 2nd paragraph." Said, Hermione as she turned her attention back to Draco and Pansy. Draco made eye contact with her and gestured toward the door. Hermione slightly nodded and stood up. She quickly left the main hall, and stood outside the corridor.

After a few seconds Draco walked in. Hermione quickly brought him into a kiss and then into a really tight hug. "Ugh I've missed you." Said Hermione. "I've missed you too." Draco said, stroking her hair. "It's absolute hell being with her." "I wish we were still partners in Snape's class and had our stupid study sessions. We had an excuse to talk to each other and be alone with each other." Hermione sighed. "Me too, Hermione. Me too." Draco whispered. "I gotta go. Pansy will get suspicious." Said Draco. "I should get going too...I'll see you later." Said Hermione, turning to leave. Draco grabbed her arm and kissed her one last time before leaving. "We'll talk again soon." Hermione nodded, before walking back into the main hall.

A few more weeks had passed, and Hermione continued to ignore Pansy's harassment as best she could. Hermione's blood was boiling at this point. She didn't know how much longer she could take without exploding. The only thing that was keeping her sane was the thought of Draco, but was hard to think about when Pansy would forcefully kiss Malfoy in front of her.

"You mind doing that somewhere else." Hermione groaned. "Awww the mud blood's angry." Pansy cackled. Draco was wiping his mouth on his sleeve, hoping that she wouldn't do that again. "Leave Granger. I want to be alone with Draco." Pansy smirked. Hermione glared at her, as she closed her book. "No." She said firmly. The smirk quickly fell from Pansy's face and a face of pure rage took it's place. "I said leave Granger! Unless you want me to ruin your boyfriends little secret." She hissed. "I was here first Pansy, you disgusting pig! Leave me alone!" Hermione yelled. "How dare you call me that! Filthy mudblood!" Pansy shrieked as she threw a punch. Hermione tried to dodge it, but wasn't quick enough. She fell to the ground in pain. She was then kicked in the stomach several times, and whimpered in pain. Draco reached over to help, but Pansy quickly stood in front of him. "Help her and I'll tell everyone." Pansy threatened. "But she's hurt! We need to take her to the hospital wing!" Draco insisted. "No, her little friends will find her eventually. They can take her. Now lets go, or I swear the whole school will know by tomorrow morning." Pansy threatened once again. Draco bit his lip and looked at Hermione one last time. She looked so helpless, crippled up in a ball, holding her stomach. She had tears trickling down her cheeks, and looked up at Draco hopefully. But he couldn't bear to look at her eyes, he quickly turned around and followed Pansy with regret. Knowing that something had to change.

Hermione stayed in the hospital wing for three days, and during those three days Draco didn't see her. He desperately wanted to be at Hermione's side holding her hand, comforting her but Harry and Ron were always there. Making it impossible to have a moment alone, so he would just stand outside cursing to himself.

When Hermione returned to her classes she gave no attention to Draco. She would no longer care what Pansy said or did with him. She no longer made funny faces at him during Professor Sprout's class. She avoided him at all costs, not speaking a word to him. She completely shut him out. Draco knew he had to talk to her.

After dinner, he saw Hermione head off toward the girl's bathroom. He waited outside, until she came out. "Hermione." He said, stepping in front of her. She rolled her eyes and stepped to the left. The Slytherin followes, blocking her way, "We need to talk." "What is there to talk about?" Hermione said angrily as she took a step to the right, this time. "Just tell me why you're mad at me, at the least." He pleaded, sliding in front of her. She sighed and glared at Draco. "I'm mad because you didn't stick up for me when I needed you most!" Hermione yelled, tears welling up in her eyes. "You didn't even come visit me in the hospital wing." She said, her voice cracking. "That's because Potter and Weasley were there all the time." Draco said, trying to explain. "So, what if they were there? Are you too ashamed of me? Is your reputation worth more than me?" She asked, tears falling down her cheeks. Draco looked at her with a blank expression and didn't say a word. "Unbelievable." She muttered. "I just don't think this is gonna work. See you later...Malfoy." Said Hermione, as she pushed him out of the way. He stood there in shock. "How could I be so stupid?" He thinks. "I-i have to fix this. I can't risk losing her." He said.

The next morning at breakfast, Draco began his first step, break up with Pansy. He walked over to her, she was giggling with a bunch of her other Slytherin friends. "Hey Draco." Pansy, said trying to sound as seductive as possible. "I'm breaking up with you." He said, firmly. "W-wait what?! You can't break up with me!" She shrieked. "I'll tell everyone your little secret." She smirked. "Go ahead. I don't care." Said Draco as he walked away. Step one complete. Next was step two, tell Crabbe and Goyle. "Crabbe, Goyle! Come over here." Draco called. "Yeah?" They asked, confused. "Just wanted to say I have feelings for Granger. And if one of you ever lay a finger on her, I will hurt you." Draco threatened. They quickly nodded and walked away as fast as they could. Step two was now complete. Now for the final step, step three. Win back Hermione. He knew that this plan could fail, and if she didn't want to get back together, he hoped to at least be friends. He just wanted her to be happy.

He walked toward the Gryffindor table and tapped Hermione's shoulder. "I wanted to talk to you." Said Malfoy. "Well, I'm not moving." Hermione said, crossing her arms. "If you don't want to fine. I'll tell you here then." Draco said. He took a deep breath and gazed into her eyes. "You are the smartest person I know. It's unbelievable how many books you have read. And how kind you are towards other people. I just can't help but feel so amazing with you. You can make me laugh anytime, anywhere. And your smile is just sk beautiful, I can't help but smile as well. And your hair. Your crazy hair that I love running my hands through. You are my world. And I've found out why I was put into your nightmare. It's because you care about me... Every person in your nightmare, you care about. And because I was with you it assured you that you weren't going to lose me, so the nightmare would fade away. Look, what I'm trying to say here is....I care about you a lot. I would never do anything to hurt you. And I understand if you don't want to take me back. But I just wanted to say...I love you..." Hermione got up and wrapped her arms around Draco's neck. "I love you too." She said. Draco cupped her face and kissed her passionately. "Oh bloody hell, do you have to snog right in front of us?!" Ron says, disgusted. "Agreed." Harry said, as they averted their eyes. Hermione giggled as she bit her lip. "So, will you be there for me when I need you?" She asked. "Of course."

A/N: I have to admit the ending was kinda crappy, but I hoped you liked this story. Thanks so much for reading it! I will be writing another Dramione story called "Naughty" soon, so I hope you check that out as well! Bye!!

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