Chapter Seven: The only way

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I hear them rushing around, feel them connecting me to machines, hear the beeps that mean I'm still breathing.

Only a month ago I was running around in our new apartment, the only thing worrying me was money and food. That was it. Helping Harley with Amelia and Jake was the only thing on my  mind. But now, the only thing I was thinking about; the only thing on my mined, was living through the night.

"Chris, wake-up. Honey, please."

I reach out with my avalible hand and capture Harley's in mine, squeezing it with as much energy as I can. I love Harley, she's the best sister ever. She's never been afraid of crying, although she always been strong for me. Through everything.

Even when it all first happened, when I told her it was he fault that everything was going wrong, she still loved me.

I don't know how long I have left, but I know it's not long.

When I pictured dying, I pictured an old man, sitting in the lounge room, grey haired, with his grey hair wife and their grand-children running around them. Now I know I'll never have that. I'll never get a chance to say 'I love you,' or 'I do'.

And even though my life never turned out how I wished it would, I keep that picture with me, in my heart. Because now that I know it'll never be me, I picture the woman as Harley. Harley and her husband. She deserves that much.

I can feel my eye lids growing heavier and my breating deepen and I know they've drugged me with something. I'm slipping away. I don't want to go, because ever minute that ticks by could be my last.



Dr. Tinker sighs, leaning forward to embrace me.

I hold her tightly, very aware that Robbie is standing behind me, engulfed in the shadows.

"Robbie," Dr. Tinker says. "Can you give us a minute?"

Robbie slightly inclinded his head and exited.

I smiled weakly at Dr. Tinker.

She got up from her seat and passed me a folder. Inside were all Chris' test results from the last three hours.

Dr. Tinker tapped the top page, which was an information page about a new type of drug treatment avalible that could give Chris another twenty years of life.

I glanced up at her. Was she saying....

"Your insurance does not cover this type of drug." She said sadly. My hope flickered out and died. "But," I raised my eyes from scanning the document. "The hosptial board is willing to fund the whole thing as a sort of....experiment. If the drug works, the hospital is think of taking it on board... if not... well..."

I nod, understanding.

She was saying that the hospital would pay for the whole affair as an experiment of sorts. If the drug worked for Chris and prolonged his life like it should, then they'd take the drug on board and start using it.

If not, then they wouldn't and I'd have lost my brother.

"Lets do it." I said, my mined already made up.

Dr, Tinker smiled weakly. "The only problem is...."



I actually didn't realise until just now. But I think I'm in love with Harley. Only a little. Like how you think your in love with your first crush. I want to protect her, want her to be mine.

So heres my plan. After she comes out of talking with the Dr, I'll kiss her. If all goes well, tomorrow, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend.

I glance through the window, looking at the little boy on the bed, tubes and monitors surrounding his body. He's so fragile. Which is why Harley will need me now more than ever.

She comes out, a small smile on her face. But her eyes, they only hint to the sadness that she has inside.

I don't stop myself as I lean forward and take her tear stained cheeks between my palms. I slowly lower my lips to hers, giving her oppotunity to push me away. She doesn't.

Her lips are salty, wet with tears. They're small and soft against mine. I lean in further backing her against a wall. She smiles against my lips and wraps her arms around my neck, pushing her lips against mine harder.


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