Chapter 6- 4th day

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Putting on my grey and black stripped shirt with a black and red patterned leggings with black flats. Jogging down stairs I grab a plain yogurt container and an Oreo. Sitting down at the table I eat my Oreo yogurt. When I was done eating I threw on my jacket and went to the car to wait for Tracey and Alec. I didn't have to wait long before they came. When they came Alec spoke "hey you're early today." "Yup. Woke up early." I responded. "Sure," Tracey said. "I'm serious!" I state. "Girl you are never up early. You think I am going to believe that." Tracey retorts. "Yup I am convinced you are supposed to believe me." I confidently say. "Girls come on just leave it be Krystal you were up early Tracey you can believe that she wasn't. Got it" Alec breaks us up. "Yup" Tracey and I say. The ride to school was rather quite but it wasn't an awkward silence more of a comfortable silence. When we arrived we jumped out and went to our lockers. Getting my books I headed to our normal meeting spot to wait for Tracey and Alec. I spotted Alec on the way to the class room what I saw surprised me. Alec was standing by the bad boy of the school and he was watching him and his gang bully the smaller kid. I don't know if it was me or my anger fuelling me but I marched over there and I got in Alec's face. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" I fumed. "Ahah n-nothing," he stuttered. "You call watching him bully the kid nothing? You could be helping any thing but watching or helping him. Come on Alec you know better then that. Our parents taught us better then that." I'm sorry Krystal. Your right I do know better." Alec whispered. "Come on." Is poke while dragging Alec behind me. "Wait. What about the kid." Alec stopped and mentioned. "We turn around only to see that he was standing up for himself with only one person there. "He looks fine now," I said. "Yeah," he does Alec added. Then we went to class. The day went bye quickly and I drove me and my friends home. After doing my homework, hanging out, and supper, I was ready for bed when it came time. Going to bed I fell asleep ready for what ever was brought my way tomorrow.

Merry Christmas guys or what ever holiday you celebrate sorry it was late at night but I wanted to give you guys a chapter for Christmas. Bye and thanks for reading.

Christmas chaos || JustWriteIt dec.2015Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz