chapter 16- day 16

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  Only 3 days and then it is Christmas break. Today is Wednesday the 16th. When I got to school I went to my locker and then to the meeting spot. At the meeting spot Tracey, Alec, and I talked for a while before class started. When the teacher was almost there we went to our seats. I had science with him first and then math with him. During science we worked on review and that was fun. He gave us a sheet to see how much we remember from the tests, quiz's, and lessons. I won because I am always taking notes and studying them. I always try my best and best is very high. I hate bragging so I don't brag I just try. Anyways I had math next and we did the same thing as science except it was about math not science. I of course won that one too. After math was break. During break I went to the bathroom and then I switched my books and grabbed a snack. After break I had English. During English we worked on review about short story answers. After English I had technology. During technology I continued on my design for my woodwork creation. I am working on a fancy shelf. It will have a fancy design on the top and then it will be very well done. After technology I had lunch. During lunch Alec, Tracey, and I went to the cafeteria. I had a sandwich and some snacks, Alec had the same thing as me just different types, and Tracey had soup and snacks. After we ate we went down to the library. In the library we worked on learning to text better. I know it sounds crazy but it is fun. After noon hour I had creative writing. During creative writing every one worked on their own stories. I worked on mien and got done the draft. After creative writing I had gym. During gym we played a few games of doctor dodge ball. It was very fun. After changing I went over to my locker and changed my books and stuff to go home. After getting my stuff I went over to the car and waited for Tracey and Alec. Once Alec and Tracey got to the car we drove home. Parking in Alec's parents drive way we all got out and went to our own houses. This afternoon I decided I would do my homework and then cook supper. So I went upstairs and did my homework. Once my homework was done I went downstairs and got out a cook book. I decided I would give mom a break by cooking supper for tonight. I decided on something and then got started. Once supper was ready I put it in the oven on warm so it would stay warm in tell supper. I went backup stairs and laid on my bed reading. When mom got home I let her get ready and then I came downstairs so that I could eat supper. Once supper was done I helped clean up the table. I put the salt and pepper away and then helped by cleaning up other stuff on the table. Once every thing was cleared off the table I scrubbed the table with a dish cloth and soap. After it was scrubbed I dried it off with a hand towel and then went to bed.

Christmas chaos || JustWriteIt dec.2015Where stories live. Discover now