Chapter 11- day 10

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  When we got to school we decided to meet at the bathrooms today and that seemed to work well. We just hung out outside the bathrooms. Once we had just enough time to get to class we started for homeroom. It was fun. I like the new meeting spot. I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice that we had arrived at the class. Tracey started snapping her fingers in front of my face to get my attention. I wasn't that far in my thoughts but I was pretty far. Going in you e classroom we were the lasts one here besides the teacher. Like normal, the teacher came right after the bell rang. I had creative writing first. And then math. In creative writing she let the others work on the project again and hen she called me and Glen up to the front. She gave us our mark for the extra credit paper and it was an A. She gave us a choice of which project we want to do next. We choice the 12th grader project. Since we still had 50 minutes left in class we ended up finishing this one too. After passing it in I made my way to the math room. Once every one was there we started review again. Today's class was all about fractions. That is what we did the whole class. After math was break and I grabbed my books and a snack. Once break was done I had science. In science it was more review. That was really boring. He said the next unit is supposed to be more fun. The next class was technology and that was fun. I am almost done my project. I just had to finish it this class. So when we got in we went strait to the computers and started working. Because I am almost done and it is an hour class I had half the class to just play around on the computer. After that I ate lunch with Tracey and Alec. After lunch we went to the school library and texted each other. After lunch I had English in English we started a read a short story and answered questions about it. And then we had gym together. In gym we played a game of dodge ball. Alec, Tracey, and I ended up on a team together and our team won, it was a hard game. After that game we played anther and then we went and got changed. Once we got home I worked on my homework and then relaxed in tell supper. After supper I went to bed.

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