chapter 9-day 8

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    When we got to school we did our normal routine and then met at our meeting spot. Today we have a test on our last subject in math before Christmas. After the test we would be doing review on the last half of the year. Lucky for us we had math 1st thing and that way we could get it over with. So when we got to class we sat down and got ready for the teacher to pass out the tests. She came 5 minutes after the bell. "Good morning class. Sorry I am late the tests were not printing so I had to go to a different printer to print them. So please take every thing off your desks beside a pencil, an eraser, and your water bottle if you have one." Once every body had done as she asked she passed out the tests. "You have this class to finish the tests if you are not finished at the end of this class you will have to come in at noon to finish them." With that the class got to work on the test. No one wanted to come in at noon to finish a test. Every body was finished on time some having time to draw, read or pass notes. And others finished with just enough time to pass it in to the teacher. Naturally I finished with 10 minutes to read. Alec finished with just enough time to pass it in and Tracey finished first from the whole class. My best subject is English. I am pretty much always the first to finish an English test. Lucky me I had English class next. So when the bell rang I speed walked through the school to get to English. I was the second kid there. The first being the only other kid in my class who likes English. "Hey Glen." I greeted him. "Hey Krystal. Ready for a pop quiz on spelling." He greeted back. "Really we have a pop quiz that's awesome. And I am going to finish first."I responded. "What ever helps ya sleep at night Krissy." He retorted. "We will see in a few minutes who is faster today." I answered. "You are on." He challenged. Just then the bell rang signaling the start of the class. The teacher then came in with the quiz's in her hand. "Today class we have a pop quiz. so take everything off your desk besides a pencil, an eraser, and your water bottle if you have one." She told us while she came into the class. Every one did as they were told and then she passed out the pop quiz's. "Don't start in tell I give you the okay to start." She told us before handing out the quiz's. When she was done handing them out she told us to start. Me and Glen started out and didn't stop in tell We were done. We both stood up at the same time. I think I had a fair chance at winning being that I was closer to the teacher. He noticed that to. I still went as fast as the teacher aloud. Being that I was closer I ended up getting to the teacher first. But she saw how competitive we were and was watching us the whole time and when we got to her. She whispered. "Krystal I know you got here first but today it is a tie because you both stood up at the same time." "Fine," we groaned. We hated it when we tied. We handed her our quiz's and then went back to our seats to read while every body else finished there quiz's. When every body had finished there quiz's we all started a new activity. When that was done there was only a couple minutes to the bell so she let us pack up and wait for the bell to ring by the door in a line. When the bell rang it was break. We had a ten minute break to get ready for the next 2 classes that we had and to grab a snack. I had goldfish. I also grabbed my books for science and technology. Next we had science and we were doing the same thing we did in math except science not math.  So when break was done I went to science and then technology. In technology we were working on coding. We had been working on it for the past week as well but I don't care. I am fairly good at it but not the best. After technology it was lunch. For lunch I went down to the cafeteria with Tracey and Alec and then after lunch we went to the school library to text each other in peace and quiet. When lunch hour was done we went back to our lockers to get the last to classes. We had gym together and then I had creative writing with Glen. In gym we had a 9 minute run and that toke up our whole class because some of the girls in my gym class had to put on all this stupid make up that is just going to come off anyway and then because some of the guys lie about how many laps they get we have to have partners and count each others laps. Lucky for Alec, Tracey, and I there is an odd number of kids in this class and today 2 kids were missing so we got to be a group of three and count each others laps. Because Alec can actually count, me and Tracey run together and then we count Alec's laps. He can jog for the run we do twice a month but he is really lazy at home. Once gym was over we went and changed and then said goodbye till after the next class. Next is creative writing with Glen. When I got there nobody was there. Which meant that I was the first person there this class. I am so proud of my self for that. Next was glen which was normal. And then the rest of the class showed up before the bell rang. Today the teacher came before the bell and she had a check list in her hand. That meant that we were starting a new project today. I love her projects because she does amazing projects. This project was a partner project. The funny thing about me and Glen was that we pretty much do not like each other manly because how competitive we are but then when it comes to writing projects we pretty much always buddy up. That might be because we are pretty much the best in this class besides the teacher. So when this class was done I meet up with Alec and Tracey at the vehicle. I brought Glen with me to ask Alec if it was okay if I drove him to my house for the class project with him and Tracey. "Hey Alec is it okay if I take Glen to my house with you and Tracey?" I asked him. "Sure," he responded. "Why are you asking him?" Glen whisper asked me. "Because it's  his car he just can't drive it yet." I told him "Oh okay." He responded. With that conversation over and Alec's permission we all got in the car and I drove everybody home. When we got to Alec's house we all got out. Tracey, Glen, and I walked across my side yard and then me and Glen went into my house while Tracey continued over to her house. When Glen and I were done the project which should have taken a normal pair 4 hours toke us 2 I drove him home and then I came back to a nice supper cooked by mom. After supper I went to bed to get a good night sleep. 

Christmas chaos || JustWriteIt dec.2015حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن