Chapter 12- day 11

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Today is Friday I am very excited. When we got to school I went strait to my locker to grab my books and then I went to the creative writing classroom. When we got there Glen was there getting our mark. So I went over to him to see what we got. Getting a B on a 12th grade project when we are in 11th grade is really good considering that we did it in less then 50 minutes. So after we got our mark I went to our normal meeting spot and then went to my seat. I have math first thing. In math we did review on decimals. It wasn't to bad of a class. After math I had science. In science we did more review. After science I had break. During break I grabbed my books and a snack then went to the bathroom. After break was gym. In gym we did capture the bacon. That was fun. After gym was technology and in technology we were working on creating word searches. After technology I went to my locker to grab my lunch box and then I met Tracey and Alec in the cafeteria. We ate our lunch and then went to the gym. In the gym we played volley ball with the other kids. After the gym I had creative writing. In creative writing me and Glen worked on our own writing pieces. I didn't get my writing piece finished but Glen didn't ether. After creative writing I had English with Alec. In English we worked on another short story with questions. That toke up the whole class. After that I went to the car to wait for Tracey because Alex walked to the car with me. Once Tracey came we went home. At home I worked on the story I am writing and then it was supper time. After supper I went to sleep in tell the next day.

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