chapter 23-day 24

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  Today is Christmas eve. I woke up at 10 in the morning. I love sleeping in, but you have to get up some time. So I got dressed and then went down stairs to get some breakfast. After breakfast I made some reindeer food. I put 7 different colors of colored crystals into it with some oats. I then shook it up and put it aside for tonight. After that was done I started making some cookies for Santa. After those were made I put them aside beside the reindeer food. I got out a glass and put it with the reindeer food and cookies for Santa. After doing that I went up to my closet and grabbed the presents and went over to Tracey's and put them under the tree. I then returned to my house and went up stairs to my room to relax. After relaxing for a while I got up and picked out an outfit for the Christmas eve service tonight that we were going to. After dong that I relaxed some more. After relaxing I toke a quick nap. After me nap I went downstairs to see what mom was doing. She had just finished cooking supper so I grabbed a plate and grabbed some supper. Once supper was done I went up stairs and changed into my outfit for the church service. Once we were all ready we got into one of the family cars and went down to the church. Once we got down there we found a seat and watched the service when it was done we clapped and then left. When we got back home I put the reindeer food in the snow the cookies by the fireplace and poured a glass of mil and out it by the cookies. After all that was done I got ready for bed and went to sleep.

Christmas chaos || JustWriteIt dec.2015Where stories live. Discover now