chapter 10- day 9

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     When we got to school I went strait to the creative writing class room to meet Glen. We decided we were going to pass in our project early. The rest of the class is still working on there projects. Over half of the class will take the full week to finish the project. I met Glen outside of the class room and then we both went inside and met the teacher. We passed it in and waited a minute for her to read it over. When she was done she told us it was very well done and that she would have it graded for the next class. Satisfied with her answer we left and I went to my locker. I met up with Alec and Tracey at our normal meeting spot. By the time I go there though it was time to go to our seats. First I had math. In math it was just review. We started with fractions and then decimals and then percentages and then all three. After that Tracey and I had science. We stayed in our same chairs. The teacher looked at us funny but we told him we had science with him next. He said it was okay then that we were still there. Not that we didn't do this every week. But what ever. After a few minuted every body was there. Once every body was there we started the class. Again we just did review. This half year we had done ecosystems. We were reviewing on the life cycles. We worked on that all class today. After science we had break. I had vegetable crackers for snack and I grabbed my English and Technology books. After break I had English with guess who, Glen. Well when I got there pretty much every body was there. Which as long as I am there on time I don't care when I get there. After 2 other people got there class started. Pretty much just like the other classes today was a test. The test was on every thing we had done in the past half year. We spent the whole class working on the tests. I actually do work hard on my tests but I only look over my questions to make sure that I finished them all. Teachers say "have you checked all your answers." And I say yes because technically I did just not the way they want me to have. I finished my test first and every one besides Glen and the teacher were looking at me surprised. I finished my test with half the class left. Which I would use to get ahead in my creative writing class just to make him mad. After that was done I read a little bit. After about 5 minutes of reading the bell rang. I went down to the technology lab I was the almost last one there. Their was one other person not there besides the teacher. Once the other people arrived we started class. Today we were starting an excel project. We were half way done when the bell rang for lunch. We did the same thing today as we did yesterday. After lunch hour I had English and then creative writing.  In English we started review after the test this morning. That is what we did the whole class. When we got to creative writing me and Glen sat together because we are partners and we are the only ones finished. The teacher came to the front of the class and told the rest of the class to keep working on there projects. Then she came to us and she gave us an extra credit project. Me and Glen were very happy that we could get extra credit. That is what we worked on for the whole class. Of course me and Glen actually finished in class. So when class ended me and Glen passed this project in and got our grade from the last project. Of course it was an A. Me and Glen were happy with it and that was really all that mattered. So after getting that I went to my locker and got the stuff I needed and then went to the car. When I got home I went to my room and just relaxed in tell supper. After supper I went to bed. 

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