chapter 13- day 12

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 Today is Saturday. My brain decided that it wanted me to sleep in. I wasn't complaining. The 2 days I can sleep in and I do.  I like to sleep in and go to bed early so that the time that I am awake isn't as long. So when I woke up it was 11:01. When I got up I went to the bathroom and then over to the kitchen. Mom had pancakes and sausage waiting in the oven on warm for me. So I grabbed a plate and the food out of the oven. I put some food on my plate and then ate it. When I was done eating I put my plate and fork in the sink and then went back up stairs. I decided that I would read for a while. I went up to my room and grabbed my book. I laid down on my bed and started reading. After an hour or two mom came up to see if I wanted lunch. Thinking about it I was getting hungry so of course I said sure how about a grill cheese. So when she went down to make that I went and got my cook book out of my closet. I started looking for a sugar cookie recipe. I found one at the back of the book. I went down to the kitchen and got out the ingredients while mom was cooking at the stove. I got out a bowl and started following the instructions to make the cookies. Once the batter was mixed I put it on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven to cook for 30 minutes. I sat at the kitchen table reading my book waiting for the timer to go off. After 30 minutes the timer went off and I got up and got the cookies out of the oven. I put them on a rack to cool. I continued to read my book and after 15 minutes grabbed one of the cookies and ate it. By then it was 3 in the afternoon. I went back up stairs and continued reading on my bed. After 3 hours mom came up and got me to come downstairs for supper. After supper I cam back up and went to bed.

Christmas chaos || JustWriteIt dec.2015Where stories live. Discover now