"I don't want to fight again, Maggie. You know I don't like the guy. Let's just leave it at that." Zayn sighed trying to end that conversation knowing it was going nowhere.

"I don't know why you don't like him, you two could be friends. I can see it."

Zayn laughed so loud I took a step back just to take all of him in, "Friends? Me and Seif? Are you serious?"

Frowning at his reaction, I hated how he saw Seif as so much less, "Yeah. What's wrong with that?"

"Hm, I don't know, he's in love with fiancé?" Zayn said sarcastically.

"He is not!" I rolled my eyes at how silly he is being right now.

"Whatever. Have you called your mom?" Zayn changed the subject not really wanting to fight. And neither did I so I just went with it.

"No, why?" I asked confused.

"She was the one who called me telling me someone was in your apartment. She must be worried sick." Crap. My mom was with me on the phone throughout the whole thing. She must be going crazy thinking something happened to me.

"I'll call her now." I hurried grabbing my phone.

"I'll go have a cig while you talk to her." Zayn informed me going to the window. He opened it and just leaned against it while lighting his cigarette.

Dialing my mother's number, it didn't even ring a full ring before she picked it up, "Maggie? Are you okay?" She asked worried.

"Yes mom, I'm fine." I replied sighing. I was contemplating whether or not I should tell her about Eric. I quickly dismissed the idea knowing Ella would be pissed if I told my mother, "I was almost mugged but Zayn came just in time."

"Oh god, baby. I can't believe the world we're living in. Someone just decided to come mug the apartment while you are in it? He must've known you were alone. God, he must've been watching you." My mom cried in the phone making up even worse scenarios of what happened.

"I don't know mom, but it's okay now. Zayn came." I tried to assure her.

"Aw, bless him. Thank god he answered the phone just in time. God only knows what would've happened if he didn't come. You could've been killed or raped. God, I can't even imagine." She gasped rambling on and on about what could've happened.

"Mom I'm okay now, nothing happened al hamdulillah." I said again just trying to calm my mother.

"Your apartment is not save anymore. You can't keep living by yourself like that. And even when the girls come, you are three girls all by yourselves." My mom said with too much worry.

"Mom it's okay. I'll probably just lock the door from now on." I said keeping my mother on a low scale of panicking.

"That's not enough! God saved you this time but we can't be too sure about the future. We'll look for another place tomorrow." Mom insisted.

"Mom, we don't have to-"

"Nonsense. You almost died today!" She insisted.

"Mom." I tried to put some sense into her but she stopped me.

"Not another word. Tomorrow when you come home we'll discuss this with your father." She said ending the conversation.

"Tomorrow?" I asked confused.

"For the Ibrahim's wedding." She said to me like I should already know it.

"I'm not going to make it mom. I'm too tired." I tried getting out of it using what happened today as an excuse.
"What? No, you have to come home anyway. I'm not leaving you stay there alone while those Malik girls stay with their families. If you are still not able to attend tomorrow then don't but either way you are coming home."

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now