Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I entered the building as quickly as possible, which is very quick if you're me, the sun had really began to burn my pale complexion. I locked the door behind me and chucked the key I'd been given onto the floor. I glanced at the store cupboard to my left, I knew that it was full of explosives ready to be set off whenever I felt necessary. It's the same on every floor. Except I wasn't going to find it necessary to use them until I'd tortured every single living person in this building and drained them of their sick, pathetic lives. I could hear their beating hearts, all three hundred and eighty five heartbeats, soon they'd be silenced. I could hear some of them complaining about everything being locked, 'why can't I get this bastard door open?' someone cursed from the fourth floor. I smirked. Locked in and unaware of why. Some were already panicking, others were still asleep at two in the afternoon. I began to stroll towards the first door, number one, my heels echoing around the building and everyone who could hear me on the first floor fell silent. Let's get this party started. I kicked the door open to see a terrified woman stood in her hallway.

"I'm Belle, welcome to hell!"

"I can hear your heart racing." I droaned out as I stalked my last victim. I'd ripped through the whole building and the evidence was everywhere. In just two hours I've covered the building in the bloor of my victims. Only one remained, he was running, from the seventh floor. I'd ignored it and just carried on allowing him to drown in fear for even longer but I was done now and he was the last one. Frederick George, rapist. "Not to mention your wolf smell is even stronger than a stupid humans." My voice was sinister and Frederick's heart rate picked up even further. He'd made it to the roof, I could hear him and smell him up there. I'd let him get this far but there is no way I was allowing him to jump. As a wolf he could easily come out alive. "I'm bored now. Any last words?" I grabbed him by the collar out of one of the bins on the roof. He seriously is stupid, if I was him I'd have transformed and gone. When I get back to base Henry would hear about this. I'm seriously pissed that he didn't tell me one of the 'people' is a wolf. 

"Please don't hurt me!" He whimpered. Scrawny little thing, looking as stupid as he is. I rolled my eyes and bared my fangs.

"I wasn't sent here for a tea party Freddy." I made my way to the stairs that I'd walked up to chase him. "You've been very disgusting." I threw him down the stairs and let a growl pass my lips. "Especially for a wolf. I bet your pack was pretty angry. Tell me, what pack were you from?" I made conversation as I walked menacingly down the stairs where he lay at the bottom broken and bruised from the throw. 

"T-the Feroce pack." He stuttered out. 

"Well, now I'm wondering why you're still alive." I stood above him and placed my foot on his chest, my black Dr Martens marking his white shirt with dirt. "Now, not that I know much about you wolves but, isn't the Feroce pack the most powerful pack in the world?" I questioned and the lanky man beneath me nodded his head feebly. "And no punishment?" I was curious, I might as well answer some questions I'm still going to kill him in the end.

"I-I-I... I'm not able to shift." He mumbled in a tone that almost sounded ashamed, but it explained why he hadn't just become a werewolf and wondered off.

"How can they stop you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The Alpha can take the ability away."

"Didn't you get off lucky! Too bad that I came along hey? You know you probably shouldn't of reoffended and you wouldn't be in the position." I shrugged dramatically. "Oh well, I don't give a shit about you, more fun for me!" I prepared myself to rip into his throat when I was cut off by the sound of heavy paws bounding towards me and a strong heartbeat then the man beneath me was snatched away his head ripped off in seconds.

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