~•I Really Like You part 2•~

Start from the beginning

"Okay, first, I am not your stalker alright? I do watch your vids on YouTube, but that's it. Second, I did not rape you, okay? We were both drunk, we danced together, we kissed and this happened." He explained, looking into her eyes. It's a good thing she's now calmed down.

"What? What do you mean 'we kissed'?" She asked.

"I mean, last night, we were in a bar. We danced, we had some shots and we kissed." He answered. She looked at him in disbelief. What? So does that mean that they...

"Wait, so.. we did it?" She asked, getting nervous of what was the answer. She's hoping he'd say 'no'.

"Well.." he started, his cheeks turning pink as he rubbed his nape. "... y-yeah.. we actually did it." He admitted as he looked down.

Fuck. They did it. They freaking did it.

She just looked at him. Her brain still couldn't digest the words he just said. They did it. They did have sex.

Damn. She's doomed.

She started breathing heavily as he looked at her. "Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

Suddenly, she whined. "Why did you that to me?! Don't you know that this could ruin my life, my career?! Not only me, but this could also ruin yours!" She said, tears were filling her eyes, worried about her future.

He sighed. "I know. But, it's not my fault. It's not our fault. It just happened. I didn't know, we didn't know that it would end up like this. I'm sorry. Please don't cry."

She also sighed as she buried her face into her hands. "Ugh. I'm so dead!" She mumbled but he still heard it.

Before he could speak again, she straightened up. She remembered she still needs to go to her work now. "I'll go now." She said, not looking at him as she stood up.

Her legs hurt, but she didn't mind it as she took her clothes. He just watched her. After all, he didn't know what to do.

She went to the bathroom as she dressed up. Shit. Merida would be so furious if she'll know about this.

He also stood up as he put his clothes back on as he sighed. It's true that he really, really wants to meet her but in this situation, he thinks that this is their first and last meeting.

He heard the bathroom door open as he looked at her. "I'm going to leave now." She awkwardly said, not looking into his eyes.

"Listen, I'm really sorry. I--" He was still speaking when she interrupted him. "No. It's fine. Let's just forget about this." She said still not looking at him as she walked towards the door.

"Bye." She said and with that, she left.

Jack sighed as he sat back down on his bed. He saw that there were some blood stains on his sheets. So, it means that it's her first time.

He groaned as he ruffled his hair. Argh. If his manager knew about this, he'll kill him.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He looked at the caller's name. It's Hiccup. He also noticed that there were 36 missed calls from him. Shit. Now, what is he going to say?

He answered the phone.

"Hello, Hic." He greeted, trying to sound casual.

"'Hello, Hic', 'Hello, Hic'?! After 36 missed calls that's the only thing you'll say to me?! Don't you know that I was so worried when I came back to that bar and you were gone? And the next thing I knew was that you're making out with your "secret girlfriend". What the fuck, dude?!" Hiccup on the other line, shouted.

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