Finally I picked up D.O. and he was already unconscious so I gave up my questions.

Could it be because of overworking?

How could it be?

They look like they've been physically abused.

The whole night I nursed the boys to the best of my abilities, mainly letting them sleep to let them get even a bit of rest they needed.

Morning didn't even come and they had to go already, leaving me alone in the dorm once again. I cried the whole day, and I don't think I've ever cried this much about anything.

It hurt to see the boys like that. They were family. They were a part of me. If they were suffering I was suffering.


The whole time fans were screaming their lungs out even to the point of crying just seeing the boys dance.

They looked like they were having the best time on stage, but what they don't know was that the boys were hurting. Hurting in the inside and hurting on the outside. Masked with such an artificial smile. 

Stop cheering. Stop dancing. Please someone stop them.

But who could? They were doing their job, and never failing to satisfy the fans.

"Yes I want to speak to him." I firmly told the lady in front of me.

"I'm sorry ma'm but he has an appointment thirty minutes from now."

She held me back and with that soft voice of hers called the guards to get me.

"But he's my father! 30 minutes is all I need! I just... need... to talk to him!"

I got closer to the exit, but then Lee Soo Man came out from one of the hallways and saw me.

"My daughter! Ms. Han why aren't you letting her be?" He looked at the woman who bowed to apologize, and walked up to the guards holding me, "Hands off." He motioned.

Instantly, I broke free.

"So what's so urgent for you to fight so fiercely with my guards?"

I sighed, "Ajussi, I need to talk to you about the boys."

"Very well then talk"


"What do you mean it's all just a phase! They're so exhausted up to the point they have to have IV's connected to them after performances!" My voice boomed through out the main lobby of the building catching everyone's attention.

He sighed, "Every group had experienced the same thing. It's the cost for fame and fortune. Girl's Generation. Super Junior. They all went through it. Now it's the members decision to live through it or not."

"What about me..." I whispered, my heart threatening to break, "Ho-how come I'm receiving the same amount of money, maybe even more, when I'm not suffering. Dad."

His eyes softened upon hearing that word and seeing my vulnerability, "Dad... How come I'm not suffering as much as them. It's so unfair."

My words carefully rolled of my tongue as a soft whisper. Afraid to cry anymore I couldn't bring myself to be angry.

All of the sudden the air grew cold as ajussi's face turned stiff, "In order to take up my position you can't be held back by such petty emotions. Do you understand me Minhye?"

I looked at him in disbelief. Is this the same person I was talking to?

"Dad? You can't do this. Dad. You have to do something. Please. Please. Please. Why won't anyone listen to me!"

He stood up and coldly walked away.

Please anyone help me.


You would assume that my days got better as I got used to seeing them in pain, but the uneasiness never disappeared.

At first I stayed up every single day just to help them once they got home, but Baekhyun confronted me one day telling me that I was a burden to the members.

A burden. I never would've expected that I would ever become a burden.

So I stopped waiting. I let the cold lonely nights numb me and all the pain that repeatedly attacked me slowly faded.

I was much satisfied this way.

This way the guilt of not suffering as much as the boys didn't always wander around me.

This way I wouldn't always feel pain when I see them in so much more pain.

This way I wouldn't want to hate myself for having such an easy life while the ones I cared for struggled.

This way was better.


"So what do you think I should make."

I continued to devour the bucket of ice cream in front of me. It has been my biggest comfort lately, and I wouldn't been able to to made it through without my baby.

Yes ice cream is my baby. It's my precious.

Suddenly a hand grabbed the bucket away from me.


I looked up pouting and there I saw Jinhee.

"What is wrong with you today!" She yelled, "I've asked you the same question for every 5 minutes now!"

I reached out to my ice cream, but Jinhee pulled it farther away.

"Nothing's wrong. Does it seem like something's wrong!"

She turned red and threw my bucket of ice cream outside my bedroom window.

I gasped and ran to her side. We both looked down the window as the bucket of ice cream flew into a tree.

"My baby!" I cried.

Jinhee sighed and slapped me across my face. My face began to burn.

Then I slapped her back, and eventually our little argument turned into a fierce cat fight.

Scratching, biting, and especially pulling of hair. We did it all, but our fight was interrupted when we both burst out in laughter.

Quickly we made up, as we both flopped onto our stomachs. We stared at each other smiling like maniacs, then suddenly my phone began to ring, with Growl as my ring tone.


Heavy breathing flooded my ears from the other line.

"Min-Min... Kris disappeared..."



OK, so let's all take a breath right now....

So there I wrote it....

I think I'm gonna cry.....

I hope you guys liked this update....


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