And just like that I was able to wipe that calm expression off of his face.

For the whole day the boys teased me. I shrugged them off, but one thing I couldn't ignore was Kris.

He was the only one unaware of this whole situation, and to think that it'll only take one of the members to spill everything and make me seem like a bad person for taking his drunken nature to my advantage.

I mean I really didn't take it to my advantage. He kept saying stuff that wasn't true and I got mad. He said to prove that I really cared and I did.

Was it a crime?!

The whole day my mind just kept on straying to Kris. No matter what John was lecturing me about, all of Kris's little actions stole all my attention.

All his smiles and and every time he greeted me.

I just wanted to tell him the truth so badly!

"So what do you think? Should we release Wolf first or Growl?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at John, "Um, let's see. Well Wolf is a bit intense which kind off suits the whole Mama feel. So I think it should come before Growl, so Growl could be a whole new image for the boys."

John wrote it all down in his notebook and finally ended our meeting. I mean for a 10 year old, he seemed really professional.

As soon as John exited my room, another person entered.

It was Chanyeol and with him he brought two cans of soda.

I began in a hopeless sigh asking for help.

However, as our conversations continued it only led to him saying what my mind was already saying.

Tell him the truth.

Chanyeol was the only one I could trust. For some apparent reason he's the only one who could take this whole situation seriously and I think it's really sweet for him to help out. Why can't all the guys be like that?

Our conversation eventually strayed away from Kris and like the usual we had our normal talks. I could say that Chanyeol could be one of the guys I gotten comfortable with.

He was just naturally friendly and eased any awkwardness that I could have possibly created.

We could have talked for hours but another person entered the room. He cleared his throat a little, while arranging whatever behind our backs.

Chanyeol took this as his signal as he bid his talk-to-you-laters.

Kris now stood next to my desk. He was playing around with Spade when I looked up at him.

"Do you have any idea why everyone is so weird today?" asked Kris.

I rolled my eyes and slapped my forehead. I guess I really do have to tell him the truth.

"Well Kris do you remember anything at all?"

He shook his head a sat down on what was once Chanyeol's spot. "All I remember was I went to drink my root beer when everything turned fuzzy.
I remember that kid telling me a bunch of nonsense but what does he know? He's a 10 year old."

"Nonsense? Like what?""

He shifted in his seat as he thought back, "Nonsense like you liking Chanyeol or something. Something about you guys going to a ferris wheel... holding hands.... After that I can't really... recall. Why? Is it not nonsense?" His eyes pleaded me for an answer.

"Nonsense," I answered, " I can't like Chanyeol because there's...."

"There's what?" Kris caught my gaze as if that'll give him the truth.

I sighed in defeat, "There's you."

Kris's Angry Bird like eyebrows scrunched in confusion, "So what are you trying to insinuate."

"Kris, like you said I think I.. I... UGH! I just can't say it."

Kris's lost expression disappeared replacing it with the brightest smile I've ever seen. "You don't have to say it." Then he took my petite hands pressing the back of it against his cheeks. I watched him chuckle in delight as I felt myself float in air.

"You don't have to say it."

(Unknown's POV)

"Hey John, so how you doing?" I kept the phone across my cheeks as a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"It's really fun here. The girl that you were watching. She's here, and all the members. They're just like the way you've described them."

" That's good. I just need a bit more time. Please be with them until their comeback. And please take care of Minhye."





I wish you all a happy holiday and I hope you liked this update.

I will be updating shortly, but when do you guys want it?

Christmas morning?

I've already written the next few chapters, and all the revelations are coming...

We'll learn more about Minhye's past and also who the Unknown person is.

So hope you guys all are enjoying my updates.

I love you all! And thank you ! ^.^

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