I've never found it more difficult breathe in my entire life.

**Matt's POV**

I huffed in annoyance as I called Regan again. After three missed calls I was beginning to get a little immensely pissed! 

"Devin! What's the address she gave you? I'm going over there. This is bullshit!" I spat furiously. 

Devin scurried to the kitchen and came back with a sticky pad with an address scribbled sloppily onto it. "I'm coming with you." He said timidly yet with finality. 

"Okay, well, come on." I sighed heatedly. We walked down to the car and Devin had to nearly run to keep up with my long strides. 

Devin didn't go through the normal routine of trying to calm me down on the way there. I think we both knew nothing could calm me down except having the boys with me. 

"Can you believe this?" I nearly screamed. "One time!! They stay with her one time,and she does this!"

Dev sighed. "Matt, you don't actually know that she's done anything."

"My ass!" I seethed. "If you have my kids, you better answer the damned phone when I call! I knew this was a bad idea! You insisted, but I knew this wouldn't end well!" 

"Are you actually blaming this on me?!" He gasped incredulously.

Anger was radiating from me in waves, and, at this point, I really didn't care what came out of my mouth. "Well, didn't want them to go with her! said it was a bad idea! But, you were just set on believing that she was going to be a good mother. She wanted to make up for her mistakes. You should've just listened to me -- your best friend -- and not some bitch that left her babies with a father that knew shit about how to raise kids!" 

He took a deep breath and looked out the window, obviously trying to bite back a retort to my explosion. "Look," He started calmly, "we don't even know if anything is wrong, okay? Let's save the fighting and panicking for when we get there." 

I glared straight ahead without replying. I glanced at the address on the console and made a sharp turn. Soon after, we pulled into the lot of an apartment complex even worse than ours. The entire place looked like it should've been condemned years ago. I checked the apartment number and rushed to find it. Devin jogged behind to keep up. 

I found the room and began pounding on the door. I heard rustling behind the door over the sound of my fist beating the door. "I'm coming, dammit!!" An angry deep voice called. I continued knocking relentlessly until it flew open. "What?" The guy barked. His hair was disheveled and he looked like he'd just woken up. 

"Is Regan here?" I growled. 

"Regan? I haven't seen Regan in a week." He mumbled, pushing the door closed again. 

I caught it with my hand before he could shut me out. "Do you know how I could find her? It's kind of important." I snapped. 

He sighed. "I don't know. You try her cell?"

"Of course, I called her! I'm not stupid!"

The guy rolled his eyes. "Both of her cell phones?"

I paused. "I didn't know she had two." 

"Right. She doesn't like people to have the second. I'll call her." He stepped back into the apartment and dug around for a minute. He pulled up a small phone and dialled a number before pulling it to his ear. "Hey, Regan? Yeah, I got some guys here looking for you..." He stopped and looked up at me cautiously. "Uh, yeah... Hello? Regan?" He looked down at his mobile, then back at me. "She hung up on me."

I groaned. "You don't know where she could be?"

He shook his head. "Why do you want to find her?" He inquired. 

"She has my kids." I mumbled angrily. 

His face paled. "Wait, who are you?"

"Why?" I asked in confusion. 

"You're the guy she told me about! You've got to be fucking kidding me. She really did it..." He muttered, suddenly looking really distressed. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"She said something about getting her kids back, 'cause a single mom with triplets would get a big check every month. I didn't think she was serious. I told her it was ridiculous." He looked around frantically. "God, she's so stupid." He growled. 

"Are you saying she just took them?" Devin asked from behind me. 

The guy shrugged. "I have no idea! She's really dug herself in deep this time." 

"I'm calling the police." I informed Devin in a low voice, sparking dangerously with anger.

I'm trying to decide if I like this chapter. Anyway, it's dedicated to KeithTyler for being awesome! 

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