Chapter 9

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Groaning I turned over with my eyes still closed and blindly began tapping around my alarm clock with my hand. After a few slaps to the clock, I finally hit the button to stop the beeping.

I lay flat on my back for a couple of seconds before slowly getting up to sit on the edge of my bed. Looking at the clock I saw that it was 10:00 am. I knew we needed to be up and ready to go by 12:00 pm so I decided to get up early.

Turning over I caught a glimpse of a piccture frame on my night stand. It was one that had mutiple slots for different pictures. There were six small slots going around the edges of the frame and one slightly bigger slot in the middle. The pictures on the side were ones of Dr.Heinburgs team, my recruit group, Mr galloway and his wife, Tom, Mary, Dr.Heinburg, and a big picture of me, Mary and Dr. Heinburg in the middle.

Biting my lip, I stared at the picture of the people they were closest to my heart. I missed them dearly. It was hard to think I would never see them again.

After staring at the picture and reminicing for a few moments I decided to finally get ready for the day.

Once I was dressed I went and ate breakfast before heading to the link room, making it there right on time.

As I entered the room Max looked up at me from a screen where he was monitoring things and sent me a smile.

"Morning Nova! Sleep well?" Max said giving me a small smile.

Feeling welcomed and at home in here because of him I walked over, giving him a big smile.

"Yes I had a great sleep. I am super excited for today. Do you know what Dr. Augustine has planned for us?" I asked taking the empty seat beside him.

Max looked over the screen another smile creeping up on his lips. "Yes. I believe you will enjoy your task today. Most do."

Excitment began to bubble up in me. I waited for him to continue.

Once he looked up from the screen and looked me in the eyes. I saw that he seemed amused by my eagerness to know what my job was today.

"Dr. Augustine wishes to take you, Norm, and Jake on a mission to collect samples out in the jungle."

Gasping, my eyes went wide. We were going out in to the wild for samples. I knew that I should be a tad bit nervous considering the risks, but I had dreamt of seeing the plants and wildlife for years and my dreams were finally beginning to come true.

"Really!?! So soon!?! I-I...this is gonna be soo fun!" I said boucing in my chair like I did when I got super excited about something.

Max laughed at my excitment and shook his head. "Yes. I had a feeling you would enjoy this."

Grinning I began to think of all the possible things I would learn and see today.

I sat in the chair happily waiting for the others to appear. Once they did I all but trampled them with excitment before explaining the plans for today. Like I, Norm became excited, but Jake just watched in amusement at our childish reactions. Even though I could tell he was excited to.

It wasn't long before Grace appeared and was barking at us to get a move on. Grinning like crazy, I expertly got into the link bed , closed my eyes, and linked with my Avatar counter part.

Opening my eyes again. I found I was outside in the Avatar Designated sleeping area. Rolling over I looked at Jake who was just beginning to open his eyes. His eyes locked on mine and he gave me a half smile.

Grinning, I jumped up and on top of him. Grabbing his shoulders I shock them excitedly.

"Were Going To the JUNGLE!!!!" I yelled in a sing song.

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