Chapter 3

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I sat in front of a computer with a video camera made in to it. My hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail and I wore a old vintage cartoon shirt that Mary had given to me with a pair of blue skinny jeans and converses to match.

"Uh...This is video log one. Location: Earth's RDA Head Quaters Research Lab and the Time: 1635."
I began while awkwardly looking at the camera.

"My Name is Nova Emmalie-Elizabeth Blanchard and I am 16 years old. Dr.Heinburg and Mr. Galloway believe that I should get in the habit of video logging because once I make it to Pandora, as a researcher, I will be required to do so everyday. Plus they believe I need a way to express myself and think that this would be a good way to do it. Keep me sane you know? I don't really believe it will help anything, but I trust their judgment."

I sighed and played with my long white pony tail, twirling the end of it with my fingers.

"Its been 8 years since Galloway came to my home and brought me, Mary, and Dr. Heinburg here. Over the years I have mentally progressed in a way that no one believed I would. Because of my unique abilities, that seem to grow as I do, I am able to learn quicker then the average person should. I retain a lot more knowledge then most people and Dr. Heinburg had no problems using this to his advantage, throwing all kinds of knowledge about everything that dealt with science.

Coming here has opened my eyes to the science world that Dr. Heinburg has been dedicated to for a good portion of his life. Because of my new interest for his "true love" I believe we became closer and I really got a look at the great man that he is.

Like Galloway promised, Dr. Heinburg got the research team he wanted. I was nervous about meeting them, but Doc met them a few times before I got to so that he could make sure he trusted them around me. For that I was grateful. But in all honesty I had never had anything to worry about because the team was great. Each of them grew on me and I had take to calling them my extended cousins. They never made me feel less than what I was. To them I was a young gifted girl and it made me feel better knowing that.

The team worked very hard in coming up with a reason for my abilities. Till this day they still do not have a full understanding of what I am. An because I wanted to know what I was I became a active particapant in the study about myself. In order for me to do that I had to be told the full story.

Dr. Heinburg came clean and told me the infamous tale of how he found me. I had always wondered how I came to be in his care, but whenever I asked he would avoid the question or tell me he adopted me because he just did and that was the end of it. Never in a million light years did I think he found me outside a funeral furnace. He told me and the team of how he came across me while placed in the care of two spooked Body Disposer on one of his errands to collect bodies for the research department in his home town district. Dr. Heinburg then shared the fact that my mother and I had in fact died during my birth because of delivery difficulties and extreme exposure the increasingly growing toxic air here on earth. Dr. Heinberg then explained how the hospital doctors presumed I had not been "alive" and that I was at the morgue because I was being laid to rest.

When I first heard this I felt sick. I was a dead girl who returned to the living like one of those crazy century old zombie movies. I felt I was a truly a freak of nature, but everybody assured me that I was just unique and there was a plausible explanation for why this occured and that they just needed time it figure it out.

After recieving everyones reassurance I had the Doc continue. He then went on to explain how he took me home and hired Mary to care for me and began his research.

Through his studies over the years, he had found that in my DNA I have a mutated gene that could allow me to adapt to any enviorment that I wanted. Which is why he believes that I became fire proof in the furnace when the men tried to burn me alive. He said that as a baby I was evolved in a way that humans originally thought to be mentally and physically impossible, atleast in this day and age. Doc explained that my gifts were a defense mechanism and that this is why even in my unconcious state I was able to defend myself.

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