Chapter 12

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Attention was never something I enjoyed. An to be completely honest, I had a love hate thing for the Thanators that chased Jake and I into the pandorian forest. Though they had given us the opportunity to become one of the natives. I couldn't help but be annoyed at them for the spot light they put me in.

After our crazy run around in the jungle, Jake and I became something of celebrities around base. We had not only survived a night in the Pandorian Jungle, but we had also gotten a ticket into the Navi tribe. That in itself seemed to be impossible for the past couple of years.

It was because of this new found celebrity status that I found myself rising early to avoid the questions and praises of my coworkers. I hated the spot light. Jake could have it all.

So that's why I found myself in my Avatar body sitting at the waters edge near Home Tree. With my legs bent and drawn closer to my body, I laid my chin upon my knees and gazed out upon the peaceful lake. Occasionally colorful fish like creatures would jump up and splash back into there water homes, but other then this nothing but the sounds of the surrounding jungle graced my ears.

It was my first morning in the Navi village. Many villagers stared me down as I had made my way to the spot I was currently sitting in. I had tried to keep a friendly smile on my face and project a nice welcoming vibe, but it seem to do no good. I of course knew the suspicions these people had for me would only go away with time. So keeping a positive attitude, I promised myself to do all I could to ease the worries these villagers had with my knew found presence. An that I would do all I could to learn and earn a place within the Omiticaya tribe.

Sighing, I closed my eye and took a deep breathe. Relishing in the feeling of breathing clean, unpolluted air. The people of Earth had taken for granted the simple things that had came with taken care of our once gorgeous planet. Now that I had this second chance, I planned to cherish all the simple things in this new found life.

"You are up early." A gruff voice sounded behind me in Navi.

Startled, I quickly turned to look up at the person unknown voice. Behind me stood none other than Le'ou. My new trainer for all things Omiyticaya.

Le'ou was for lack of better word a wall of pure muscle and he seemed to be chiseled out of pure stone. His eyes like all other natives were feline like, but they held this enormous amount of intensity that made me feel puny under his gaze.

Blushing under his hard watchful eyes I scrambled to my feet and cleared my throat. "Uhh Yes. I thought it wise to rise early. As to be ready for your lessons." I smiled timidly in his direction.

He regarded me for a moment. "Well that is good. Laziness will not be accepted."

"No...of course not." I said standing straight.

He gave a curt nod and tossed me a fruit. I looked down at it surprised. "Eat." Was the only response I was given. I smiled softly and thanked him. But it seemed my words of gratification fell on deaf ears.

Le'ou ignored me and turned to walk away. Not knowing what to do, I quickly followed after him. We walked for many minutes in silence and I ate my fruit happily, till we came to a field with grazing horse like creatures.

"Twatute, Your task will begin here." He said after a long moment. An evil glint in his eye. I raised an eyebrow slightly confused and annoyed at how he addressed me.

"My name is Nova." Le'ou glared slightly at me and did not reply.

"Twatute." He gave me a pointed look." You will run the length of this field 6 times." He replied smirking.

My eyes widened at his request. The field was huge and I knew that I would be beyond tired even with all the training I had back on earth. Running one lap would be death. BUT SIX!

Avatar: Nova Blanchard's Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें