Chapter 23

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I sat down on my favorite spinning chair in our little shack. I wore one of Jakes old t-shirts that had Marine written on it and my long white hair fell in waves around my shoulders.

Everyone was standing around talking battle plans while I just spun around in the chair silently lost in my thoughts.

Currently our Avatars were in the Horse Clans of the Plains region. It took us many hours to arrive but eventually Jake and I got there around the same time. The second we both landed and they learned our names. They were sold.

We were staying a few hours to get a little rest, but even out of the link we were all to wired to sleep. As I was spinning. Hillary came up and took the chair next to me. When I was coming back around to face her I stopped.

"Hows Lungoru doing?" For the first time in a while Hillary smiled.

"The big baby is fine. His leg is healing well. Spends his time with either Tsahik or helping me watch Nemal'ia."

"That the name of the baby?" I asked. Happy to think of something so innocent just for the moment.

Hillary smiled. "Yes, Tsahik says her mother was a very good sewer and dancer. Said she stopped in the middle of a dance and quickly told her the name came to her suddenly and it would be the name of her daughter. With her mother gone she doesnt have parents left. Her father died during an attack a little bit before you and Jake arrived. An because everyone is so busy Lungoru and I have been caring for her."

I smiled sadly at the fact the child was parentless now.

"She's a sweet baby. I love looking after her. Ive always wanted a baby.So this is good practice for when I have one of my own." She says before frowning. "If I ever get to..."

I squeezed her hand. "We'll get through this Hillie." She composed herself and gave a strong nod.

We slept for a good 3 hours before we got up and headed back out. Because the Horse Clans wasnt that far from Omiyticaya we got back quickly.

When we arrived I couldnt help the grin that grew on my face. There were thousands of people among us. When Jake landed he and Neytiri walked beside me grinning as well.

Groups of warriors trained hand to hand combat with one another. Most readied there weapons. An others could be seen painting Banshee's and DireHorses in customary war colors.

I walked around taking in the Na'vi around and watched curiously as warriors pierced and painted there own bodies.

As I watched, I felt someone walk up beside me.

"Its customary to do this before battle. Would you like me to help you?" I beamed at the sight of Ninat and quickly agreed. I had not seen her in a while and was happy to know she was among the survivors.

I had never pierced my body before, but I took the pain an allowed her to do both my ears and my nostral. She then painted me expertly in the color red. When she was finished she smirked.

"You look like true warrior now!"

I laughed at her enthusiasm and thanked her. She was about to walk off when she turned back and smirked.

"Oh! An I told you soo." She giggled before leaving. I laughed knowing exactly what she meant. It felt like so long ago that we sat under that tree while I fretted over my feelings and denied my identity.

Later on in the day after the Horse Clans arrived the high ranking warriors sat in groups waiting for Jake to tell them his plan.

Jake was currently drawing on the back of an animal skin. I leaned over him and my eyes went wide. He had attempted to draw one of the gunships. It looked like a big blob with x marks in places of the propellers.

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