Chapter 22

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Day two of our Journey we headed to the Metkayina Clan. They were located on a secluded island in the western sea. Throughout the island there were beautiful above sea reefs that made it look like some alternate Atlantis universe.

This was one of the Clans the Avatar program first came across. They were fascinated by there living spaces and there secluded way of life.

Grace told me unlike most clans that rode ikrans and dire horse they did not. Instead the rode small whale like creatures called Iminus. That was how they traveled to hunt at sea for food as well as go to the mainland when needed. Sometimes they took there beautiful crafted rafts, but that was for special occasions.

They were also the only Clan to have a different hair pattern. While most Na'vi had bone straight hair the Metkayina Clan had thick black beach waves

Despite being neutral to any mainland activity, the Metkayina Clan was skilled greatly in hand to hand combat. They were known for being the strongest and quickest swimmers. An were damn good with a spear. They hardly ever missed.

We had just caught sight of the island when Blizzard sqwaked and shot forward away from our Tipani companions.

Slow down!

But Blizzard disregarded my words and zoomed toward the island seeming excited. I tried to send another command when he swooped over a group of people tilted side ways and I lost grip. The bond broke, my queque sliped from his, and I fell a good ways to the ground.

The shock of the fall had me screaming out.

"BLIZZAARRDD!" But It was no use he was already a ways away. I groaned and  maneuvered my body in the air so I wouldnt land on my face.

The second I hit the ground I landed in a predatory crouch. Then I glared in the direction of my Ikran that was eating fish the people of the island had collected.

"Blizzard! You stop this isnt! Thats not for you!" He looked up at me roared and kept eating. The villages scrambled away from him in shock at his size.

"BLIZZARD!" He looked at me and flew to where I was and flapped in mid air. I placed my hands on my hip like a angry mother.

"If your hungry you hunt for your food! You do not steal! You understand." He squawked at me and I raised and eyebrow.

"Dont you go giving me lip mister!" He leaned down and nuzzled my face. I sighed kissed his large head and patted it.

"Yea yea yea. I forgive you. You big oaf!" With that Blizzard took off towards the sea to hunt for fish.

By then the Tipani were landing and everyone that lived in the surrounding reefs were out and watching the scene I created.

I blushed slightly and waved. A man  walked forward with something that looked eerily close to a Trident.

"I am Xi'lo leader of the Metkayina Clan. Who are you? An what do you want?"

Beyada'amo's stepped forward. "I am Beyada'amo's leader of the Tipani Clan. We have come here today to ask for your help."

The Trident carrying leader narrowed his eyes. "You of all people Beyada'amo's should no the Metkayina Clan of the western sea are neutral to all mainland wars. If that is all I will have my men escort you and your Clan warriors of of my land." He dismissed us and Beyada'amo's narrowed his eyes gave a respectful nod but didnt not try to fight the man on it.

It was as if he knew that was the answer we were going to get. Everyone began walking away.

"Wait! Thats it?" I asked Beyada'amo's.

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