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Up in space humans began preparing themselves for cryosleep. They were laying in beds, closing there eyes, and waiting for the long journey to earth to begin.

Selfridge sat livid by his cryobed. He clenched the flashdrive in his hand angrily. He knew the second he came back to earth empty handed his boss was going to literally kill him.

He barked out to someone to get him a computer. The second he got it he smashed the flash drive in and saw a video clip.

He stared at the frozen face of Nova the wonder freak and immediately clicked play on the clip.

A human Nova sat in front of her video camera. Her long white hair was flowing around her shoulders and a smirk was on her face.

"Selfridge if you watching this then it means you and everyone else has made it safely to space. Congrats for that...I guess.

I just wanted to give you this as a parting gift so that you never forget my face or my words.

You, and every human on earth are no longer welcome on this planet. Pandora is no longer your safe haven. Pandora is no longer your second chance. You destroyed Earth so you will reap the consequences of your actions by living on it for the rest of your days.

I just want to remind you that the only reason you and everyone else are breathing is because we allowed you to do so. You are witnesses to what happens if you mess with us. Mess with the Clans. An mess The All Mother.

Don't disrespect our generosity by attempting to come back. Because if you do I promise, you and every single human to dare step foot here again will have ME to deal with.

You all are considered terrorists so to speak and you will be eliminated on sight without question.

So think twice, for your own safety, if you ever decide to disregard this warning.

An so you know a similar video has already been transmitted to earth. So everyone will be awaiting your arrival about 6 years from now when you emerge from cryosleep."

Nova grinned into the camera.

"Sweet Dreams."

Selfridge stared at the computer screen. His heart was hammering in his chest and his face turned a dark red

He yelled out in anger and threw the computer. The laptop began floating across the space since they were no longer near gravity.

He cursed the white hair of Nova and moved to lay down in cryosleep and leave behind what he believed was a sorry excuse for a planet.

* * * * * *

I opened my eyes and found myself in the Eye. The sky was once again beautiful and clear and the Forest was swarming with life once more. I grinned and ran my fingers across the petals of an exotic flower. I leaned down to smell it and found it had the sweetest scent.

"Ey'lue, my sweet daughter."

I turned to my mother. She had the top of her long white hair braided into a intricate bun and the rest flowed around her waist. Flowers and leaves littered her hair and body. Her eyes sparkled the brightest blue, as she reached a hand out to me.


She grinned as I placed my hand in hers. Her eyes appraised me and I saw pride ring true through them.

"You protected all my creations selflessly. You showed bravery, courage and you were loyal to me to the very end. I am proud of you. I thank you for all that you have done."

I beamed. "I would do it again to protect the people of your lands. They are wonderful and deserve nothing less than to live in peace and harmony."

A look flashed across her eyes before she changed it and the subject. She sent me a smile.

"So it is your wish to pass through the eye and make home once again in a Na'vi body."

I nodded confidently. "Yes."

She tilted her head curiously. "I had some hope once you were finished you would wish to come home with me."

I squeezed my mothers hand. "I'm not finished yet. My journey isnt over. This will be my last time."

She gave me a sad smile, but did not fight my decision. Her arms wrapped around me and gave me a tight hug. She kissed the side of my head and whispered in my ear.

"Enjoy your next life, my sweet Ey'lue."

Tsahik was chanting the sacred words and moving her arms over my body as I opened my blue eyes.

I sat up and began staring at my hands and arms. It felt different to being in the link. It felt real. I felt complete and more alive.

I turned to look at the small petite frame of a human girl with snow white hair. She lay peacefully among the roots and the presence of life was gone from her features.

I moved to pick her up and hold her in my large blue hands. She was light and it didnt take much strength to carry her.

I looked up to see the eyes of my friends and the tribe. Some were smiling and others were awed that I had passed through.

I turned back to the body in my hands and smiled.

Using my powers I set her body a flame. She didnt defend her self. She didnt come back to life.

This time she burned and became ash.

* * * * * *

I stood by the lake I had loved to go to near home tree. The sun was setting and the water was still and calm.

I held the ashes of my old human body and tossed them into the lake. This had been my favorite spot to come and I knew that this was the place I would lay her to rest.

"Goodbye Nova Blanchard. Thank you for sharing this life with me. May you become one with the land and find home here forever."

I turned to see all my friends standing behind me supportively. Hillary had a unshed tear in her eye. Trudy smirked from Norms hand while Norm gave me an encouraging smile. Jake stood grinning, hand in hand with a proud Neytiri.

Then my eyes drifted to the two guys that were battling for my heart.

Kai'to smirked and let all the love for me show in his handsome gaze. An my heart skipped a best at the sight of him. At the sight of my first love.

Then my eyes turned to Dimples. He stood a ways away from Kai'to. His face was filled with an emotion I couldnt place. The second I caught his eyes his lips lifted up into that half smile I loved. An his eye sparkled mischievously. An the draw to be near him tugged slightly at my soul.

These were the people that Nova had surrounded us.... Me with and I would always be grateful to her for that.

Nova had lived through an amazing adventure. She had conquered the world and found a home upon Pandora forever. She was one with the people. She was one with the land. An she would always be one with me.

She lived.

Nova Blanchard Story was now over and it was time for Ey'lue's to begin.

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