Chapter 1

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A gruff, slightly over weight man, grunted as he rolled a small table carrying a tiny box. He wore a Municipal Crematorium company shirt and a pair of baggy black pants. Quickly he made his way through the huge room. Ignoring the sounds of the other furnaces being turned on and off as bodies were being burned around him. The sight of it had become a common occurance considering it was his job as a Body Disposer.

"Hey Ben! Gotta 'nother for ya to burn over here." A scrawny old man with a dirty white beard yelled out to the gruff man rolling the tiny box to a furnace.

"Ight! Let me get rid of this little critter first Lee." Ben said as he postioned the table in front of the furnace latch.

Grabbing his clip board he began writing down confirmation data saying he was the one to burn the body lying on the rolling table.

"Alrighty...who do we have here." He mumbled to his self while staring down at some information printed on a label attached to the box.

Termination Approved
Name: Nova Emmalie-Elizabeth Blanchard
Date of Birth: September 9, 2130 3:07 am
Date of Death: September 9, 2130 3:07 am
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Weight: 4lbs 3oz.
Cause of Death: Over Exposure of Toxic Air, Died During Birth.

Letting out a sigh the man leaned over to take the lid off of the box to confirm that the description on the label fit the person in the box.

He lifted the lid and took a look inside. There he found the tiniest little baby he had ever seen. And he had seen quite a few newborn babies.

The baby girl lay unmoving. She had snow white hair on top of her little head. Nova wore a simple white onsie and tiny little booties. With her face tilted to the side and he could clearly see the peaceful features as she lay dead within the cardboard box.

She was easily the most beautiful little girl to ever grace the planet earth.

"Such a shame, little one." He said whispering down at the dead body. "You didn't even get the chance to live. Maybe it was for the best...." He continued firing up the furnace.

"This world doesn't deserve a precious lil soul like you." He grumbled.

Once he got the furnace fired up he turned to write down the remaining information on his clip board. Then he placed it on table. Ben moved the lid of the cardboard box back over the little girl inclosing her into the little box once more. After giving the furnace a practice run he flipped it off and opened the latch and slid the girl in.

"Sweet Dreams Nova." He whispered to the dead baby one last time before shutting the latch and turning on the furnace again.

Turning away from the fire Ben yelled out to Lee.

"Who we got next Lee?" He said looking over at his old friend of 15 years.

"Ehh...Just some old hoot thats had better days." Lee responded with a shrug.

Ben chuckled slightly at his friends answer and turned back to his current body. After another couple minutes of looking over papers attached to his clip board he figured he had given the box enough time to burn.

Without looking inside the window he moved to turn off the furnace and open the latch.

"....What the hell...?" Ben mumbled as he stared into the furnace.

There laying on the tray was the box of the baby in perfect condition. It looked as if he had never turned the furnace on at all.

"Now I know I turnt this damn thing own..." Ben began rationalizing so he wouldnt panic. Glaring at the box, he reached up and closed the hatch. This time he watched the flames surround it.

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