Chapter 14

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Breakfast at HQ was always an event. Everyone usually bombarded us with questions about our training and the way of life with the Natvies. But it was to be expected. I mean if I had had access to those amazing people and there unique lifestyle, then got told if I didnt stay away I'd die by poison dipped arrow, only to find out two newbies got granted special access somewhere I, a senior, did not. I would be all over me and Jake to. Many of the researchers who had been in the a avatar program and used to go into the villages would ambush us and ask thousands of questions about certain aspects and checked in on people they had met. Dr.Patel would have his list of questions on any changes within the past 6 years. But no one was more curious  than Grace.

It was clear to me the woman missed the tribe tremendously. Which is understandable. In a way she was very attached to the tribe. She had taught the children of the village and even been there when a rebellious bunch of na'vi teens trying to save torn down trees died by the hands and weapons of humans. She felt the ban worse then anyone in the program. So I wasn't surprised by her behavior or willingness to tend to our every need. She knew her possible ticket back in the tribe was through me and Jake.

Even Norm had acted different after finding out we had been accepted. More so to Jake then me. It was clear he held alot of jealousy at the fact that we got such a great opportunity while all he did was study and collect samples.  He felt Jake didnt deserve this chance seeing as he had not trained at all to handle the Na'vi.

Then there was the matter of Selfridge apparently he had been trying to find a way and meddle with the Avatar program. I hadnt really noticed because I was so focused on becoming one of the tribe. But it obviously became a big issue because Grace made a huge fuss about it after Dr.Patel had heard the gist of a meeting between the higher ups in the military department. I would have paid attention more during the entire thing, but I had been mentally exhausted. All I heard was snooping, micromanage, & something about Jake. I wasnt phased by his name coming up. The guy could be an idiot sometimes and seemed to always find his way into mess.

So in order to calm Grace's nerves on that situation we all agreed we'd go to a remote linking building up in what we humans called the Hallelujah Mountains where we could stay focus on what was important.

The Avatar Program.

Sitting on the transport plane my mouth dropped to the floor. Earths moutains could never compare to the sight in front of me. Before my eyes was a bunch of floating rocks and pieces of moutains. Large green vines were attached keeping pieces of rocks in the same vicinity. It was like gravity didnt exisit in the particular part of the planet. Whatever the phenomenon it was sight to be hold.

Trudy smirked at me. "You should see your faces."

The ride there got a little bumpy in the end. Trudy's navigation system wouldn't work here. So she had to rely solely on her skills as a pilot. I had to give it to her. Trudy could definitely whip a plane.

Soon we reached a small secluded building on one of the larger floating rocks. I could tell it was still fairly new and by its structural build it was pretty sturdy. I hopped of the plane and turned to help Jake roll his wheelchair off the transport plane. He grinned through his air mask and I returned it before lifting my unmasked face up to the sky. Like always the sky was clear and beautiful beyond words.

"Come on you two. Lets get to work!" Grace called from the door of the building.

"Later Trudy!" I shouted to her.

She grinned and gave me a two finger salute.

Jake and I made our way inside and Grace directed us to certain beds.

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