Chapter 4

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I leaned back in my chair and balanced my chair on the back legs while staring up at the ceiling.

I had finished all my work early and my self-defense class got canceled due to my teacher having to go to a business meeting.

So now I was bored with nothing to do. Sighing I closed my eyes and decided to rest them for a little bit.

Better cherish this moment. Who knows when I will get some time to chill agian.

Of course this relaxation period was short lived. As soon as my eyes shut the door to my right opened.

Letting out a frustrated sigh I opened one eye to see who came into the room. In the doorway leaned Mr.Galloway. At the sight of me leaning back in my chair relaxing he raised an eyebrow.

nga hasey ngeyä ťikangkem śi
[You finish your work?] Mr. Galloway asked me speaking in the Na'vi language.

This was a habit now. He wanted me to speak as much as possible to get in the habit of doing so because I could come in contact with one of the natives once I reach Pandora.

[Yes] I replied in a bored tone. Then I decided to place my chair back on all fours and turn towards him.

oe new ne tsela
[I want to see] He replied seeming to not believe me. I smirked and turned to face the computer in front of me, quickly logging on. Once it came on I navigated to todays work to show him I had in fact finished it.

tsela...oe hasey.
[See...I finished.]

Leaning over me he checked my work. When he finished he nodded his head letting me know he was satisfied with what he had seen.

tam. ta nageyä hasey, oe new ne wíntxu hasey 'uo
[Okay. Since your finished I want to show you something]

This time it was I that raised a questioning eyebrow at him, tilting my head to the side curiously.


Mr.Galloway gave me a small smile and nodded his head towards the door before replying.


Curious as to what he wanted to show me I got up and followed him through the door. He walked down a series of different hallways before coming to a one way glass window. We could see the people inside, but the people inside could not see us. At the moment there was about 40 people in this large meeting room.

I had seen this room many times through the years. It was used all the time for large gatherings and meeting within the facility.

nga new ne wíntxu ohe ultxa
[You wanted to show me a meeting.] I said in a bummed out voice.

I so thought I was gonna see something cool. Should have known. I thought sourly.

Hearing the tone of my voice Mr. Galloway chuckled and looked at me and explained.

letsranten ultxa
[Important meeting.]

I gave him a less than excited look and he grinned. Instead of speaking in Na'vi like we had been he switched to english and continued.

"The people in the room below us are the potential Avatar Program recruits for the same Pandora voyage your going to take in 2 years. A good bit of them will be your collegues. You see unlike them you have the extrodinary ability to gather 4 times as much information during any study session. So in a way you will be the most knowledgeable researcher on this voyage. You have been personally trained by all of my top instructors so I have no doubts you will be a valuble asset to the avatar program. Especially, when your knowledge will go hand in hand with your extrodinary abilities."

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