Chapter 13

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A name I used to cringe at whenever I heard it ever since our encounter during my first lesson here in the omiyticaya village. The man was my personal torturer. He was stern, ruthless, hard, annoying, merciless and a slew of other words.

But despite all the things I might have thought about the man throughout thecshirt weeks I had known him. Maybe just maybe,...he actually might not be as bad as I thought.

I stared completely surprised at the Dire Horse in front of me. After a moment I finally chanced a look at Le'ou. For the past 3 weeks all I had been doing was running, jumping, rolling, and throwing at this guys command. It felt un real that I was finally gonna learn some real stuff.

"Today you will make bond."

My eyes lit up in excitement. Neytiri had taught Jake during the first week. Though it took him a few days he finally got the hang of bonding with animals.

"Really!?" I asked ecstatic.

Le'ou gave me a stern nod. "My nephew spoke to me. He says you think I have something against you."

I paused and blushed nervously. I hadnt meant for those words to reach his ears.

Le'ou smirked at my reaction. "I do not have anything against you. I just havent had a good experience with your kind.... It is Funny though. Kai'to thought the same thing as a boy when I trained him alongside his father to become a man in the tribe. I was only hard because I wanted him to work hard. Be successful toranyu." Le'ou looked me straight in the eyes. "For twatute you are strong. I can see your determination on being one with the people. I tested you to see if you were like other twatutes we have come across. Bigheaded and unable to be taught. I have decided you have what it takes. Now real training will begin."

For the first time in three weeks. I sent him a genuine smile. Though his face was emotionless in his eyes I could see a small hint of pride in what I had already shown him. This pushed me to want to train harder.

"I am ready to learn all I can from you."

His lips twitched and he gave a curt not.

"Mount her and make Shahaylu." Le'ou patted the dire horses head softly.

Take a nervous breathe I grabbed hold of the neck and did my best to mount her as smoothly as possible. Quickly taking my braid I moved my queque towards the one on the dire horse. The tendrals at the end of mine began linking.

I gasped and my pupils dialated for a second. I could feel the horse become one with me. Her breathe. Her heartbeat. I closed my eyes and calmed myself and in return the horse calmed as well.

"That is Shahaylu. The bond. At the moment you are one. Feel her as she feels you. Feel her strong legs." I nodded as he spoke my eyes still closed. "Now. Make her move."

Move forward...slowly.

As soon as I thought those thoughts the pandorian horse began to walk slowly forward. I laughed happily and patted her neck. We did this for a while gradually picking up speed.

I looked at Le'ou and he tilted his head amused. "You are like a child. " He teased playfully. It was nice to to not be met with hostility.

I stuck my tongue out and patted my bonded animals neck once more.


An without a second thought the horse shot across the field. At first I was startled by the speed, but I reminded myself I was in control and that we were one. I need only think the words and she would stop. So with that I calmed my nervousness and allowed myself to enjoy.

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