I was originally supposed to be rooming with the lads on their tour bus for 1 week so my tour bus could be fixed from the last time I was in it (don't ask), but apparently that won't be happening. I bet its done right now. They are just not going to let me on it until Harry and I really get into our relationship.

Ugh, life.

"So I guess you can carry out your word when you said you'd be my fake girlfriend?" a voice cheekily asks behind me.

"So you have to sleep with him?" Romeo asks with disbelief coating his words. I shake my head letting giggles escape my mouth. "Lucky, I've trying to do that ever since I met him."

"Romeo, it'a not like that. I just have to fake date him until the tour is over," I explain once more to my best friend who's back in England.

Like any desperate girl would do in my situation, I told my best friend all about the Harry dilemma and the Zayn problem. Romeo being Romeo, he made it more dramatic. Something along the lines of 'I have always loved Zayn and I couldn't hold it in any longer. And Zayn loved me back. After we confessed our undying love for each other, Simon came in and forbid us from ever seeing each other again. Just to make sure, Simon is forcing me to sleep with the one and only Harry Styles so I can fall in love with him and forget Zayn. Then later Zayn and Harry will fight for my love to the death. But before Zayn could kill Harry, I decide that I'm better off with Ed Sheeran so I leave both of them.' Stupid, right? So I may or may not have added the fighting to the death or Ed Sheeran part on my own. I still have dreams too ya know.

So, here we are talking about my life problems. I haven't told Zayn yet. I mean, I would think that Harry told him. He is his best friend. I don't know if he'll be happy or sad or just don't care. I really don't know where we stand after last night. It is so confusing. Are we something or are we not? Of course we're not dating after that little kiss (not little, we snogged each other's face off) but we are definitely not still in the friend zone. Or the enemy zone. Or the frienemy zone. Whatever!

It's not like I don't like Harry, I just really don't want to ruin whatever the hell Zayn and I have going on. I know I'm in love with him and I want to find a way to be with him but fake dating Harry is going to be a major set back.

If I do even start to like Harry that way, any chance of a relationship with Zayn is gone. So, life just got a whole lot shitter. And I wanted to go to the children'a hospital today, but I have to go out with Harry to start rumors about the fake relationship.

"Stop thinking and just go talk to him." Romeo's voice breaks me out of my deep thoughts about the Harry thing. I look at his face on my laptop screen. Romeo shoots me a hopeful look before saying goodbye to me. I sit there 3 minutes after Romeo suggests (more like demands) I go talk to Zayn. After a well debated decision to just go talk to him, get off my lazy ass and make my way to Zayn's room. Hesitantly, I rap my knuckles on his door.

Zayn appears shirtless and sexy at the door. His eyes light up for a moment when he sees me, but then a flash of pain and envy surge through his brown orbs. He says nothing but, "Oh, it's you."

He moves out the way and motions for me to come in. I send him a nervous smile before stepping into his surprisingly clean room. I know we're about to leave today, but I would have expected it to be a little dirty. Because let's face it, dirty literally falls off of boys. No offense to them, but it is so true.

"So why are you here?" Zayn closes the door and sits on his bed while I just stand in the middle of the room awkwardly.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that Harry and I have to date," I tell him after working up the courage.

"But it's just fake dating! It means nothing to me!" I assure him frantically when he makes an expression on face that I can't read.

Zayn lifts his eyebrow and chuckles at my actions. Okay, I didn't expect that. I was expecting... I don't know what I was expecting, it just wasn't that. He's laughing at my attempt to save our relatiobship that isn't even real yet. I guess I was wanting him to smile at my words or tell me we could work through it but no. The bastard laughs at me.

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