Chapter 1

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Picture of Luth.... Anna Popplewell

Sadly I don't own any of the characters except Luth. They all belong to J R R Tolkien


Being with dwarves taught me a lot specially sword play and archery. Right now I was with my cousins, well not really my cousins. They are the sons of my adoptive father's sister. They are sparring with each other showing off to me. Those two love to show off to get my attention.

Did I introduce myself? No! oh okay. I am Luth. Some people call me the gentle and some call me the valiant. I am a skin changer yet I live with dwarves and I love it so much. I love them all they might be arrogant and noisy but they are my family and I love them all. Oh before I forget I am the adoptive daughter of Thorin Oakenshield. He is really amazing , gentle and dotting when it comes to me.

"Earth to Luth, you are spacing out again" Kili my cousin said waving his hand infront of me.

"Kili stop annoying Lu. You know uncle Thorin will be really mad if he knew that you are annoying his baby girl" Fili his elder brother said.

"Now, Lu. You spaced out when I defeated him, but never space out when he defeat me" Kili huffed.

"Are you pouting little cousin?" I teased him making Fili laugh.

"I will show you pouting" he said jumping at me only to be knock out by Fili and me as we both laughed at him.

"I hate you both" he huffed.

"Oh. I Love you too baby cousin" I teased pinching his cheeks.

"Kids, dinner is ready" Aunt Dis called causing us all to scramble to the house to get first to the table.

"Wash your hands first" A gruff yet familiar voice came from behind us. I turned around to see daddy Thorin Oakenshield himself standing there smiling at us.

"Daddy" I shouted happily and jumped at him causing him to fall on his back with me on top of him.

"Little wolf, I missed you too. Do you want your cousins to eat all the food and leave you without dinner?" He asked with a smile.

"No they wouldn't" I looked at him with wide eyes and ran up to wash my hand and sit on the table between Kili and Fili. Dinner was eaten in silence which was weird but I could feel tension between dad and aunt Dis. From their silence I think Fili and Kili feel it too.

After dinner was done we sat in the living room smoking pipe, well more like they were smoking but I am not daddy won't let me even though I am a big girl already.

"So, Fili and Kili. I have this quest and I would like it if you join me. I spoke to your mother about this" Daddy said.

"Wait a minute, Why am I not in?" I asked.

"No you are to stay here with your aunt Dis. I want to know you are safe not in harms way" he said.

"but daddy you know I like adventures, also I am good with sword and bow as them so it's not fair" I argued.

"It's as I told you Thorin. She will follow you in secret if you didn't let her come with your approval" Aunt Dis said and I nodded to that.

"Uncle what is the quest about ?" Fill asked and I looked at daddy wanting to know what is it about.

"We are setting of to reclaim Erebor, our home" daddy said in pride causing me to smile at him.

"daddy I want to be in this too, please. I want to see the home you grow up in. I want to be with you when we enter it. Please daddy I promise I won't stray away from you" I pleaded giving him my puppy dog eyes knowing he'll surrender.

"Fine you will come" he said with a sigh.

"Yaaay! I promise I will not disappoint you" I said happily and hugged him.

"Okay! Okay! Now let's talk" daddy said and gathered us around him to tell us about Gandalf's plan of an extra member

Next day, me Kili and Fili set off to Hobbiton to some Hobbit's house. While daddy went to the Iron hill to talk to some of the dwarves to see if they would join or not.

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