Ashes of Eden

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April 12th, 2010
Delacroix, Louisiana

Alex pushed her way through the double doors of St. Luke's hospital, her bag slung over her shoulder. Her gaze darted around the room, taking in the pristine white walls as she hurried over to the front desk. "Hi," she began, clearing her throat as the young nurse looked up in surprise. "I'm looking for someone. He, uh, showed up here a while back. Tallish, trench coat, dark hair. He might go by the name Castiel?" She tilted her head when the woman only looked confused, and, thinking back to her conversation with Dean on the way to the bus station, slowly added, "The doctors thought he was brain dead but he woke up yesterday."

"Oh." Recognition sparked in the nurse's eyes. "Yes, I know who you're talking about. Room 137, just down the hall."

"Great. Thanks." Alex hurried away, clutching her bag tightly against her shoulder as it bumped against her back. Her wings twitched against her back, uncomfortable with how the heavy duffle crashed through her feathers, and Alex shook them out as she turned the corner. Room 137 stood at the end of the hall, and Alex slowed down as she approached, apprehension twitching within her stomach. The door was open, and the young hunter drew in a deep breath, steeling herself for what would be inside.

Castiel lay in the hospital bed, dressed in a thin hospital gown. His eyes were closed, his breathing shallow, but that information passed through her mind without a second thought. Alex paused inside the doorway, her breath caught in her throat, as she stared at the angel. He really was an angel.

Large navy-blue wings unfurled from his shoulders, a dull, dark blue that faded to black at the tip of the primaries. One was folded beneath his back out of sight, but the other hung over the side of the bed, the long, dusky feathers brushing against the tile floor. "C-Cas?" Alex stepped into the room, and the angel's eyes flickered open at the sound of her voice.

"Alex." The name came out as a rumble, and the angel slowly pushed himself until he could sit up; a soft smile crossed his face, and his eyes flickered up from her wings to her eyes. "You're here."

"Y-Yeah. What the hell is going on?" Alex dropped her bag on the floor and moved closer, and Castiel's wings twitched. "I-I've gone absolutely crazy. You have — you have wings, too."

"Yes," Castiel agreed. "I'm an angel. As are you." Confusion flitted across his face, and his head tipped to one side as he studied her. "You seem surprised. Don't you remember?"

Alex's mouth hung open — she hadn't heard anything past, 'As are you.' "I'm an angel." The words came out as a hoarse whisper, her thoughts finally confirmed. "H-How long have I been an angel? Who —" Her hands came up, combing through her hair as she tried to wrap her head around it. "What?"

"I'm sorry." Regret lined Castiel's voice. "Perhaps you should sit down."

"Yeah, I-I think I should sit down." Alex sank down onto the edge of the bed, her wings drawn in tightly. Castiel's own wings extended towards her, but they quickly drew back when Alex pulled hers in even tighter, fear driving her actions. "Cas? What's going on?"

"I'm sorry. I thought —" The angel cut off with breath of expelled air, turning his head to stare out the window as he gathered his thoughts. "Had I known you didn't understand, I would have told you."

"Told me what?" Alex's trembling voice rose. "How long have I not been human?"

"Six months." Castiel's gaze turned back onto her. "Almost to the day. Wings ... they don't come in until the six month mark."

"O-Okay, and — and you weren't going to tell me this?" The young girl fidgeted nervously, fingers toying with the hem of her shirt. "Six months, and you didn't think of mentioning it once?"

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