Free to Be You and Me

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Alex stood in a small clearing, watching the tongues of fire lick at the cold night air. She could feel Dean behind her. He was shifting his weight around, impatient to get back on the road. Her legs and back were sore, but at the same time, everything was numb. The pyre burned bright, Carton's sheet-wrapped body still visible on the heavy branches. Alex's heart wrenched at the sight. He had become her friend almost two years ago, and, apart from her, was the youngest hunter Bobby knew. Alex blinked. She would have to tell Bobby --

A hand on her shoulder jolted her out if her thoughts. "It's time to go."

Alex's voice shook. "I don't want to leave him."

Dean rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. "I know."


When they got back the the motel, the first thing Alex did was take a shower. She scrubbed the blood out of her skin and hair, watching the red-dyed water wash down the drain, mixing with her tears. Only when the water grew cold did she dry herself off and pull on Sam's sweatpants and one of Dean's shirt. She dried her hair, waiting for her face to look like she hadn't been crying. Finally, she returned to the room. She sat down on the bed abs brushed her still-damp hair out of her face, giving it a sniff. The smell of blood was gone. That was good. She looked over at Dean, who was attempting to scrub the blood out of his jacket. She turned her attention to the tv.

"God!" Dean exclaimed. He thumped the sink, and Alex looked up. "Don't do that."

"Hello Dean." Castiel stood behind the hunter. Alex sat up, head tipped at the sight of the angel.

Dean turned around to face the angel, who did not back up to give him room. The two of them stood there for a few seconds, only a few inches between their faces. "Cas, we've talked about this," Dean said quietly. When Castiel didn't respond, he elaborated. "Personal space?"

"My apologizes." Castiel took a step back.

Dean picked up his jacket and walked over to the other bed. "How'd you find me? I thought we were flying below the angel radar."

"You are. Bobby told me where you were."

"Hey Cas." Alex gave the angel a small smile.

"Hello, Alex." Castiel looked over at her, blue eyes meeting hers. He looked around the room. "Where's Sam?"

Alex didn't respond, but looked over at Dean. Castiel followed her gaze. Dean cleared his throat. "Me and Sam are taking separate vacations for a while. So, you find God yet? More importantly, can I have my damn necklace back now, please?"

"No, I haven't found him. That's why I'm here. I need your help."

"With what?" Dean asked. "God hunt? Not interested."

"It's not God. It's someone else."



"Raphael?" Alex guessed.

"Yes. I've heard whispers that he's walking on Earth. This is a rare opportunity."

"For what?"


Dean looked thoughtful, and walked back over to the sink, picking up his knife and a washcloth. He began to wipe it clean. "So what, you think you can find this dude and he's just going to spill God's address?"

"Yes, because we are going to trap him and interrogate him," Castiel said decisively.

"Could be fun," Alex said quietly.

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