Anthem of the Angels

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April 7th, 2010
Muncie, Indiana

Something was happening. Alex struggled to pull her mind together, but the blackness lingered, threatening to pull her back under. She could feel herself moving through the air, supported by a strong, unmovable force, and the young girl forced her heavy eyelids open. Brightness flooded her vision, and she immediately squeezed them shut again as nausea rocked through her small body. She could feel arms around her, supporting her frame as they moved, and Alex pressed her head into their chest. Her nostrils flared, taking in the smell of her savior; it was familiar, but the hunter couldn't place it, her throbbing head causing her thoughts and sense to jumble together. Memories began trickling back — a face here, a word or two there — and then the barrier broke. Lucifer. Alex trembled at the name, and her eyes flickered open. She had confronted Lucifer and survived.

Her head was still pressed up against a warm, solid chest, and for a moment all Alex saw was brown. It took her a moment to work up the strength to pull away, and she squinted against the light as she peered up into the man's face. "D-Dean?" The word came out as a hoarse mumble, and Alex's head fell back to his chest as another wave of empty queasiness.

She could feel the Winchester pause to look down at her, and she peered up to see his face plastered with concern. The worry faded, however, when their eyes met, and Alex closed her eyes as anger lit up Dean's gaze. "What the hell were you thinking?" he snapped, and his words were accentuated by a jolt as he pushed his way out of the hotel doors.

Alex groaned in response, but her discomfort was momentarily quelled by the rush of cold night air across her cheek. "I'm fine." Her voice shook as Dean laid her in the backseat of the Impala, and she pressed her face up against the warm leather. "Everything's okay."

"Like hell it is." Dean's words were muttered under his breath as he slid into the front seat, but before the Winchester could press her further, the darkness returned, dragging the young girl back into unconsciousness.

The lights were back, less harsh than before, and Alex opened her eyes. She was lying on a bed, the mattress soft beneath her back, and even though the throbbing headache had subsided, her throat was parched, and a dull ache sat in the pit of her stomach. She shifted, and the bed creaked, drawing the attention of the figures in the corner. "How ... how long was I out?" Alex forced herself up to recline against the headboard, eyes narrowed as she looked towards Winchester at the table.

"Hard to say." Chair legs squealed against the linoleum as Dean stood up, and the bed dipped beneath his weight as he sat down beside her. "Six, maybe eight hours? I went back for you when you didn't call, and I found you unconscious in the lobby. How much you you remember?"

"I don't know. Not much. I-I just ... passed out." Alex reached up to rub the back of her neck with a grimace before she added, "I'm not hurt, though. What — what did I miss?"

"Gabriel's dead." Sam's voice came from the bathroom, and Alex turned to watch him step out of the bathroom. The younger Winchester rubbed a towel over his wet hair, tossing it onto the other bed before he added, "For real this time."

"I know." The girl dropped her gaze to her lap as the lie came out, and she let a false sense of sadness slip over her to add to the realism of her claim.

"Yeah." Sam stopped at his brother's side, and Alex shifted uncomfortably on the bed to find both of the Winchesters focused on her. "Uh, what about you? What happened?"

"Nothing." The word came out as a mumble, and Alex played with the hem of the stiff sheet that covered her brother. "I did what I had to do, that's all." She had to do it; she had to save Gabriel. Right? The doubt prickled at her mind, and Alex plucked uneasily at a loose thread at the memory of Lucifer's cold, rough hands. Was it really worth it?

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