It's a Terrible Life

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The beeping of an alarm clock woke her up. Alex sat up, yawning. She glanced at the clock; it read 6:00. She rolled over, a loud groan rumbling through her.

There was a loud knock on her bedroom door a few minutes later. "Rise and shine, Alex." The door was thrown open, and light rushed into her room.

"It's too early." Alex stumbled to her feet and walked out into the hallway. "Morning, Dean."

"And good morning to you." Dean was wearing a pinstripe blue button down, a red tie and red suspenders. He went back into the spacious living room, walking over to the kitchen. A Well Respected Man by the Kinks was playing, and Alex rolled her eyes. Dean poured himself the espresso he had made earlier, glancing back. "Don't give me that look," he told her playfully.

Alex walked over to join him. "Rice milk?" she asked, picking up the container. "I still can't believe you drink that stuff."

Dean just shook his head, running a light hand through his slicked-back hair. "You don't expect me to stay in good shape without eating healthy."

Alex rolled her eyes, smiling. "Whatever." She grabbed a bowl of Lucky Charms and walked over to the couch. She turned on Nickelodeon, settling down. Dean continued to tinker around behind her. Alex simply ignored him.

At six thirty, Dean walked over to her. "I'm off to work." He leaned down and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Alex leaned back into him, smiling. "Okay. What are you having for lunch?"


Alex shook her head. "Health nut."

Dean chose to ignore that. "Remember to finish your school work," he reminded her as he pulled on his suit coat.

"Okay." Alex put her empty bowl on the coffee table, watching Dean walk over to the door. "Don't stay out too late."

"Yes, mom." Dean grabbed his car keys. "Same for you."

Alex rolled her eyes, smiling. "I don't have a social life, Dean-o."

At that, Dean frowned slightly. He shook it off. "I'll be home around six."

"Okay." When he left, she turned back to the tv.


After her show ended, she did the dishes then walked over to the kitchen table. She pulled out her math book and laptop and logged on to her online high school account. It only took her ten minutes to figure out her lesson, and then another ten to finish it. She slid her math book across the table and started on english.

It was almost eleven before she finished all of her homework. She glanced at the clock and rolled her eyes, then reminded herself that she would still be in school if she actually went to one. She returned to the couch and turned on tv.


After lunch, Dean called. "Alex?"

"Hey, Dean. How's work?"

"Good. How are you doing?"

"Good. Finished my school work. I've just kind of been hanging out."

She swore she could hear Dean frown. "Have you gone outside?"

Alex curled her lip. "Why would I go out there?" she joked.

"Go for a walk or something."

"Yes, mom." Alex hung up.

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