The Thing That Should Not Be

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July 3rd, 2009

Bent Mountain, Virginia

It was almost a week before Dean was released from the hospital, and another one before he was ready to hunt again. Bobby had been glad to know she was safe, but chastised her for not calling sooner. Alex had to calmly explain that she had been slightly busy, then hung up in frustration.

Now, they were in Bent Mountain, Virginia. Sam had found a case and was driving; Dean was sleeping in the front seat. He still wasn't healed up completely, and Alex was making sure to keep a wary eye on him for any sign of trouble. Finally, Sam pulled into the Rusty Mountain Lodge and put the car into park. Dean faded into consciousness, rubbing his eyes. "What's up?"

"We're here." Sam opened the car door and circled around to the trunk. Alex dramatically rolled out of the car, followed by Dean. They brought their bags into their room as they checked in, and Alex threw her stuff on the far bed.

"So." She glanced around the room. "What brings us here?"

"Three kids've gone missing." Sam place his stuff on the floor next to the bed. "All around Misiton Lake."

"Okay." Alex sat down on her bed.


As soon as they were unpacked, Dean drove them out to the lake. The blue water was ominously still, and Alex was careful not to get to close to the edge. She could easily imagine something coming out of the dark depths, jaws wide.

"Okay, Alex. Go on."

"What?" Alex glared up at Sam.

"Someone's got to check out the lake. Maybe you'll find bodies."

"Screw you." Alex stepped back behind Sam. "I'm not going in the lake."

"Nobody's going in the lake." Dean glanced at his brother. He walked down by the shore, pushing through the tall grass. Alex sidestepped away from Sam, studying their surroundings. The ground was littered with undergrowth, and the sun was blocked out by the thick trees above their heads. The only way to the lake she could see was the gravel trail she and saw were standing on. She turned her attention back to the lake. A few rocks poked out of the water along the far shore, and, as Alex looked closer, she could see the tiny waves lapping against their surface.

"Shit!" Dean's exclamation snapped Alex's attention over to him.

"What?" Sam took a step in his brother's direction.

"I found someone." Dean backed up. "I almost fucking stepped on her."

Alex wrinkled her nose, half out of disgust, half out of amusement. She walked over to Dean. The smell of death was immediate, and her eye caught on the shape of a teenage girl, laying face down in the tall grass.

"We gonna call her in?" Sam asked, joining them.

Alex knelt down, picking up a large stick. "How long do you think she's been dead?"

"Don't poke her with a stick," Dean chastised lightly.

Alex didn't listen to Dean at all. "Couple of days? Help me turn her over."

"Hell no." However, Dean did as she asked. When the girl was rolled on to her back, Dean let out a huff.

"Bet that's what killed her," Alex said, somewhat smugly. There was a large hole in the female's stomach. Alex poked around in it with the stick, then frowned. "What?"

"What's up?" Sam knelt down beside her, looking in. "Is her . . ?"

"Yeah, I think it is." Alex pulled the stick out and looked over at Sam. "That's . . . unusual."

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