99 Problems

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April 8th, 2010

Blue Earth, Minnesota

It was a week later when they drove up to Blue Earth, Minnesota. There had been storms and other omens that pointed to demonic activity. They had driven around for a while until it was dark. "There." Dean slowed the car.

"What?" Alex looked out the window.

"I saw something." Dean pulled the Impala to the side of the road and got out. He grabbed his shotgun off of the seat. Alex and Sam followed, guns in hand. Dean headed into the trees.

"I dunno, Dean," Alex said quietly. "This seems kinda dangerous. What if this is a trap?" She paused. "Can you smell that?" She scented the air.

"Sulphur." Sam cursed, raising his gun.

"Very good." A voice sounded behind them.

All three spun around. A man stood there. He blinked, and his eyes turned black. "Dean Winchester. Haven't seen you in a while."

Dean shot him. The salt rounds sent him flying backwards.

Suddenly they were surrounded. "What the hell?" Dean cursed under his breath.

There were more demons than Alex could count. The air was heavy with the stench of sulphur. She cocked her gun. "Dean?"

"Damn," Dean cursed again. "Back to the car!"

Alex fired three shots in succession. Three demons flew back. However, they were quickly replaced.

"Just run!" They turned tail and ran. Alex, having shorter legs, was steadily falling behind, and pumped her legs harder. A demon appeared in front of her, and Alex swerved, but not soon enough. Her shoulder collided with the demon, knocking them to the ground. Alex struggled back to her feet as iron-like hands gripped her leg. She thrashed around desperately. Thinking fast, she fumbled for the flask of holy water she had brought. She unscrewed the cap and tossed it onto the demon. It shrieked in pain, letting her go. She grabbed her gun and ran. Sam was grappling with a demon a few feet ahead. The demon had a knife, and Sam was bleeding. Before Alex could help, a shot was fired, and the demon fell backwards. Sam scrambled to his feet, casting a glance back at Alex.

They ran to the car and got in. As soon as Alex closed her door Dean sped off. Glancing behind her, Alex saw the demons giving chase. "Faster," she urged. "They're following."

Dean obliged. He floored it, and the car shot forward. The demons still pursued.

"Faster, Dean," Sam hissed out. He was still bleeding from his left shoulder, and let out a pained noise.

"I can't!" Dean snapped. Alex looked down at the speedometer; it read almost ninety. Dean glanced over at his brother. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Sam lied. "I'm amazing."

"You ever seen that many?"

"No. No way, not in one place."

The car spun around a corner, and Dean slammed both feet on the brakes. In front of them was a semi, laying on it's side. It was on fire. Sam let out a surprised noise. "What the hell?"

"Dammit!" Dean exclaimed. He threw the car into reverse, turning around. Suddenly, something smashed through the windows, It tried to pull Dean out of the car. Alex yelled a warning, but it was too late. Another demon grabbed Sam, almost yanking him through the window.

Alex sat in the middle, not sure what to do. Suddenly the demons screamed. She looked up to see a stream of water hitting the demons. It burned them, and they let go of the hunters. A large truck had pulled up, and the water was coming from there. Two men got out, and one had a megaphone. He started yelling words into it. The demons screamed again, black smoke twisting out of their mouths. The vessels collapsed to the ground.

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