The door opened and one of his men came in.

"Boss, Miss. Hart is here."

His heart beat skyrocketed once again and he could feel his blood rush through his veins as a wave of adrenaline coursed through his body.

"Send her in." He said and the man nodded his head and closed the door.

He slowly pulled out his shades and wore them as he formulated various plans in his head.

A few more minutes , and she would be standing in front of him, with him, in his den.

Roseanne stood in the middle of the gigantic hall assessing her surroundings. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest and her palms were sweating. She felt a wave of fear wash over her as she looked at the huge mansion which screamed money, power and danger. She felt like a prey being captured and brought to the lion in his den. Black and grey were the colours that dominated her surroundings. The walls, the furniture's, satin curtains and everything she found had traces of black and grey in it. She lifted her head upwards and eyed the huge chandellier hanging above her with sparkling crystals.
She was engulfed into the dark aura and it increased her fear of what might happen next.


Roseanne abruptly turned her head towards her right and saw a man with crisp black suit smiling warmly at her. He was the only one who greeted her with a smile on his face. All the others whom she had seen till now wore an emotionless face.

She gave back a weak hesitant smile. She did not want to trust anyone in this abnormal house.

He lifted his hand forward and said, "I am Jacob"

She kept her hand in his hesitantly and nodded her head meekly

"Hello."she said and pulled her hand back.

"Please follow me." He said and turned away walking towards the spiral staircase situated at the side of the gigantic hall.

Rose walked behind him and she could feel danger lurking in every corner of the house. They soon reached the first floor and walked through the hallway for a few seconds until Jacob halted in front of a crafted wooden door. She walked and stood beside him as he opened the door and asked her to go inside.

She nodded and slowly made her way into the room.
Her eyes directly feel on the broad shoulders of a man who's back was facing her. His left hand was stuffed into his pocket and his right hand seemed to flip the pages of a book that laid on the table.

She was immediately engulfed by his masculine cologne that always made her heart pick up its speed. The church, her house and now, here. She turned back when she heart the door being closed and gulped as she slowly turned her face back to the man in front of her.

Alexander closed the book and shoved his right hand into his pocket. She is here....

"Good morning Roseanne. "He said in his deep baritone voice that made a shiver run down her spine.

"G..good morning." She said and wiped her palm on her work attire.

He slowly turned towards her and leaned back on the table resuming the position he was in before she came in.

Roseanne gulped at the sight of the man who revealed himself. She crunched her eyes brows and her breathing grew rapid due to fear.

" it was you who came that day to my house." She said as she tried to put on a brave face and looked at him. He still had his eyes covered with his shades.

The left side of his lips slowly moved upwards creating a wicked smirk on his face.

"Yes. It was me."

He was more than glad to see her. She was dressed in her work attire and once again like that day, he feasted on her with his intense eyes which she was yet to see.
The memories of his childhood with her swept through him and he clenched his jaw when he felt a sharp pain erupt into his heart.

"I. . I cannot sell the house." Roseanne spoke up. She wanted all this to end and run back into the warmth and comfort of her house.

Alexander kept looking at her and fought the urge to smile and hug her with all his might. She looked beautiful and fragile. She looked scared and terrified by his presence. His smirk grew wider as he kept looking at her.

"It's the only place I have here. It's very dear to me. . and I would be homeless if not for this house. . . There is no where else for me to go . . I can't sell the house. Please try to understand my situation Mr. . ."
She abruptly stopped when she realised that she did not know his name.

He still had that wicked smirk on his face. He closed his eyes taking in the beauty of her voice and opened it. .

"Then why don't you stay with me Roseanne? "

She scrunched her eyebrows in utter confusion and it took time for his words to sink into her head.

"Excuse me?"

She froze when he straightened himself and walked towards her. She abruptly took a few steps back until her back hit the door and there was no where else she could go to escape from the clutches of the Hunter.

He smirked and stood in front of her, close to her and looked into her fear filled eyes.

She could not process the sudden change in his behaviour and before she could think about anything else and move away, he slowly brought his hands towards his face and removed his shades.

Her breathing stopped and her lips parted to let air into her lungs as she gasped taking a long breath. Everything seemed to come to a halt when she looked at those penetrating green orbs that looked at her with longing. Those eyes that she could recognise without a mistake, Those green orbs that she could never forget even in a million years, those deep mischievous shades of green that she had grown to love. Those eyes that belonged only to her one and only love, her lost love..

"Alexander . . . " she whispered to herself as she tried to regain her breathing which seemed to be utterly impossible.

He smiled and looked at her astonished face . Her eyes were glued to his the same way that she used to all those years back. He held her eyes in an unfathomable passion and a promise to never let go and whispered slowly. . .

"How are you Rose?"


Hello my loves:)
Am sorry that it took time for me to update. Am really sorry.
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Until the next update,

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