1 - Embarrassment Around Every Corner

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"Francesca. I can't tell you how much I love you! I am at a loss for words. Your beauty just makes me gasp."

"Oh, Constantine! Your Russian-Spanish accent just makes me swoon for you! Oh how I wish we could be together. But we are separated by this merciless wall!"

"Come, Francesca. Let me kiss your soft lips through this somehow fluffy wall."

"Oh, Constantine!"

"Constantine? Who's Constantine? And what.. are you doing to your pillow?"

My sister's voice rings out and causes me to jump out of my dream-like trance, and I fall right out of my bed face first. I guess you could say I woke up off the wrong side of the bed. My sister walks out of my room mumbling about a brick wall.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I say in a muffled, tired voice.

It takes me a while to hoist myself up from the ground, because the shag carpet is actually quite comfortable. I realize it's the first day of school, and Constantine can wait. I run my fingers across my new outfit I layed on my vanity; a grey t-shirt, skinny jeans, black converse and a flannel to around my waist. Hipster looking outfit to make me look totally normal and not stand out as a freshman whatsoever? Check.

I quickly grab my laptop from my comfy little daybed by the window and shove it in my bag. I glance at my nightstand and see 8:00 shining in neon green digital numbering. Jumping out of my tired skin, I almost trip down the steep wooden stairs running towards the door. Before I can set foot outside my mom pulls me back, shoves an apple in my mouth and hands me my phone and some lunch money.

"Here you go baby. Have a nice day at school!" I pull the apple out of my mouth and put my headphones in. Of course, my mother can't skip a chance at babying me. There goes breakfast.

I run down the porch steps and dance down the street to bland pop music that I like for some reason. Ok music? Check.

I get to school after a short walk and realize people staring at me dancing and I pull out my earphones and fix my hair in embarrassment. I look around trying to scan the yard to see if I know anyone or if there are any cute guys to be found. Scanning... Scanning... Suddenly I feel hands on my eyes that stop my scan. I knew who it was since there was only one person who knows me in this school. Unless it's a creeper.

"Guess who?" The mysterious person's voice becomes very clear. "Hm. Let's see. Is it Perry the Platypus?" Annie giggles a little and I can tell she's rolling her eyes at me. "No silly! Guess again." I huff in sarcastic annoyance and she only giggles more. "Ooh, is it Elmo?" She take off her hands in defeat and her eyes roll so much that it looks like they might pop out of her head. "No, it's not Elmo. It's me!" She pulls me into a tight hug, almost choking me. "Oh my gosh, Annie! I haven't seen you in forever!" I try to be genuine struggle to release myself from her hug. How could such a short small blonde girl use so much... loving force?

I didn't really know Annie too well in middle school, but we knew each other, so when I found out she was the only one I knew that went to P.S.S., we became quick friends. It wasn't hard because she is really nice and gives the best hugs. At least that's what I tell herself. After we talk a little about her new haircut - she went from long hair down to the butt, to a pixie cut, the bell rings and we go inside. She thankfully walks me to my class so I don't look like a clueless freak trying to find which room I'm in.

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