Character Pics! Take a Look + INFO

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**A/N: Here is a picture of what the characters look like! (Although I personally still imagine them differently lol). Anyways what do you think? :P Let me know in the comments!


Seth: I was furiously searching google images, flickr, pinterest, and some other weird site that I've never even hear of and FINALLY stumbled upon this wonderful gentleman from the Hannah Montana movie XDD But HEY it worked am I right? ;)

Quote of the Day: "You know what that boy needs? A real girlfriend." ♥ Quote By: Robby Ray

Cleo: There are not too many girls in the world- more specifically their pics on the world wide web that have WINE red hair and blue eyes. I was getting all kinds of images of people that just didn't seem to fit Cleo's personality or the way that I imagined her. But thankfully my lovely roomate pointed this image out to me and said she imagined Cleo looking like this girlie up there ^ so VOILA= Cleo's face was born.

Quote of the Day: "Prepare to be jealous, cuz we look fabulous!" ♥ Quote By: Lily

Jace: This handsome young feller gave me a run for my money. There was literally NO ONE who had hazel green eyes and long hair. Heck I could barely find any Italian guy photos with those features without scarring my eyes of male underwear models (I'm still recovering lolz) But nonetheless, I finally snagged this photo and.....well... does he look italian-ish? Yeah, maybe, no.... ok. Oh well.

Quote of the Day: "Oh, believe me, she's screaming in the inside." ♥ Quote By: Jackson

Stephanie: Too easy

Quote of the Day: "My problem is that I'm ten times better than you." ♥ Quote By: Mikayla

Holly: well I had to search for a good hour before I got a girlie with green eyes AND brown hair. Are green eyes fictitious for real humans with brown hair? Because there was hardly anyone with those features either. Maybe it was google images that couldn't supply me with what I needed. Unfortunately I had to change her hair length in the story in order to match the photo but it still turned out better this way.

Quote of the Day: "My life is complicated enough. The last thing I need right now is more drama[ FROM SETH *cough**cough*]." ♥ Quote By: Miley Stewart



Next bonus chapter will be available this week :D called "FireSide"

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