Bonus Chapter: Under the Waterfall

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**A/N EXTREMELY IMPORTANT MUST READ: First and foremost, I dedicate this chapter to all of my followers who have helped me reach 500 views so far WOOOOOO!!! Thank you all so very very very much for the comments, messages, votes, adding to reading lists, and sharing with others. I honestly was just writing this in my free-time and didn't even expect it to have so many views already. I'm shocked but so overjoyed and really don't know what else to type on here to show my gratitude. I'm honored to have all of you as my readers and followers :-D

Thank you <3 <3

The bonus chapters are additional scenes to the story. Some will be random while others go along with the story line. This chapter takes off after Sunrise when Seth and Jace go to the lagoon. So you get to see their conversation while Holly, Cleo and Steph were on the shore.

So I hope this helps with any of the confusion. Also, they weren't the only ones who survived, right?

Also, the first person to vote gets to create their own mini scene for the characters which I will add into the story and give credit :D (dedicate)

Ok on with the actual stuff~ :P


**Jace's POV

I walked my way towards the lagoon to freshen up some after I talked with Cleo and Seth. My steps waivered a bit due to the sleep that still called out to me. I took a whiff of my shirt and... it wreaked of dirt, sweat and foliage. I thought to myself 'Hopefully, Cleo didn't notice.' until I heard oncoming footsteps behind me and quickened my pace.

"Jace wait up!" Seth called behind me as he jumped over a log and pushed through a few leaves.

"Hey, came to join me?" I asked as I saw the lagoon come into view. This place really was beautiful.

"Have to be fresh and clean for my ladies." Seth smirked and placed his stuff down onto the rocks.

"What ladies Seth, you know none of them can stand you." I said as I slid off my underarmour shirt and tossed it onto the rocks. Sand clung to my slightly chiseled abdomen. I brushed it off, hating the gritty feeling. Then I unwrapped the gauze to my foot, which was crusted with blood.

"Jace, it's just a little game they play. They know they want a piece of this." Seth motioned to his smooth abs.

"Good grief man." I joked to him. "But, I'm sure Holly doesn't want any part of it ." Seth's smirk was wiped clean from his face and he pointed an 'I'm warning you' finger at me. 'Got em' I thought to myself. I knew he had a thing for Holly. He then neatly placed his clothes onto the ground.

Seth and I slipped off our shorts and went into the lagoon. And yes we kept our boxers on. After we wrestled a bit in the water, I sat on a submerged rock under the waterfall. I examined my foot which still had the cut marks but they weren't bleeding anymore, yet it stung every time the water hit it.

"Seth, if we weren't stranded here, what do you think we'd be doing right now?" I asked after I dipped my head into the water fall. The cool water felt great against my skin. I could feel myself relax a bit. Seth floated on his back in the water.

"I don't know man, we'd probably be eating continental breakfast right now." Seth said as he stood up in the water. He rinsed his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Mmm I can taste the buttermilk pancakes right now-" I began to imagine.

"So what do you think of Cleo?" Seth asked out of the blue which caught me of guard. He studied my face as he waited for an answer.

"What about Cleo?" I said and swam out of the lagoon. This was the first time Seth looked serious and for me to even hear him call her Cleo, instead of Cleopatra. I dried off and put on the fresh pair of clothes Seth loaned me, which fit a bit tight but was still breathable.

"Jace." Seth said as he exited the lagoon and dried himself off. "You guys may think I'm arrogant and conceited-"

"You got that right." I cut him off but he continued and put his clothes on.

"but I'm not stupid. I see the way you talk to her man. You like Cleo don't you?" He tossed his wet towel into his bag and rummaged through it. "Besides," he tossed me a new roll of gauze, " We're on an island for crying out loud, why not get out what you really want to say and win her over. I knew what you almost said during Steph's game." He flung his bag over his shoulder. "You're smooth Jace and she likes it. So be a man and go for it." He smirked at me.

I caught the roll of gauze and sat on the ground and thought about it for a moment. I still wasn't sure if I did or didn't. Part of me still yearned for....Iris. No matter how hard I tried to let her go, I couldn't. She and I had a past that could never be forgotten. But something about Cleo made me want to move on. She was like a fresh start for me. Just the thought of her made me smile and I wanted more.

"Jace." Seth said which broke me out of my thoughts.

"Just drop it. " I said in protest as I wrapped the gauze around my foot. I could feel a blush creep up my neck. Crap. I didn't want Seth of all people to know my feelings, his big mouth would broadcast it for the whole world to know. I watched as Seth's mouth sprang into a smirk.

"Seth wait, don't start assuming-"

"I knew it. Denial is the first sign." He began to walk back towards the shore. I followed behind him with my clothes and towel.

"If you don't do something, I will." Seth said as he walked over the log and follwed the pebbled path Cleo made. I admire her survival tactic, smart girl.

Before I could say something in return, Holly and Stephanie approached us with fresh clothes and towels.

"Hey guys." Holly smiled at us. "Done with the lagoon already?" She looked as if she just woke up. Like a child from a nap. No wonder Seth seemed fond of her.

"It's all yours Holly cakes." Seth said with a smile. "Need any help?" he motioned back to the lagoon with his head. I gave him a shove in his arm but he ignored me. How could he be so bold?

"Uhm. No?" Holly looked at him confused.

'Good job Hollster.' I said in my mind.

"Jacey which way is it to the lagoon?" Stephanie's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"After you hop over the log and get passed a few leaves you'll see it." I said and looked away from her. I felt sorry for Stephanie for a moment. I wasn't sure if she truly liked me, especially after the confession. But even if she did, I couldn't give her whatever she was looking for.

"Thanks Jacey." She patted my shoulder and her hand slid down my arm before she and Holly walked away. Once they were out of ear shot Seth and I continued to walk back to the shore.

"Seth what did you just say before they came?" I asked him. Did I hear him correctly?

"Jace, what if I told you I was interested in Cleopatra?" Seth said as his eyes faced forward. His statement almost made me stop in my tracks.

"That's breaking the bro code." I said slightly annoyed. He can't be serious. No way. Not Cleo.

"She's pretty and fiesty. I think I can grow to like her." He winked at me and playfully nudged my arm. However I didn't take it lightly.

"You can have the ancient queen of Egypt, but Cleo Rose is mine." I said in a more serious tone as Seth walked in front of me laughing. Just as we cleared the forest, Cleo noticed us and looked up from whatever she was reading. She's looked...beautiful.

"Cleo we're back!" I said happily and pushed Seth almost sending him into the sand. Payback for what he said earlier as we made it back onto the shore.

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