Pack Your Bags

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"Hey Cleo! Do you know where my white laced bikini is? I can't find it!!" My sister Stephanie hollered from her closet. Clothes were being thrown everywhere and made a heap onto our purple carpet.

"How am I supposed to know?" I yelled back. I had just finished packing my first aid kit and placed it next to the other two ruby colored suitcases by our bedroom door. (Yes we share a room unfortunately.)

"Found it!" She beamed as she sauntered into the room. She placed the bikini over her body and posed in the full length mirror. "This is perfect!" She said as she tossed it into her purple suitcase.

"Steph it's a graduation trip not a strip club." I said and rolled my eyes. She waved me off an proceeded to pack the rest of her bags.

We just graduated from Arcadia High and we planned a 3 day 2 night trip to the Caribbean islands with some of our friends. A fun way to kick off the summer and our newly found freedom of the adult world.

It's 85 degrees here in Miami, Florida and it's the perfect day to travel. I wore a pair of blue jean shorts, and a white tshirt that had tan Aztec patterns on it. I french braided my wine colored hair to the side, threw on some light pink shimmer lip gloss and topped off my casual look with brown pilot shades. I tucked away a few loose strands behind my ear and waited by the bedroom door for my sister to finish getting ready.

"Steph it's almost 10:15! Come on. Seth, Jace, and Holly are at the airport already. We're gonna be late and miss out flight!" I urged my sister.

"Coming!" She replied. She walked over and dropped five purple suitcases by the door. She wore stone washed daisy dukes, a hot pink crop top, and white gladiator sandals. Her brunette hair cascaded down to her shoulders in soft waves, her makeup was flawless and she topped off her outfit with a white sun visor.

"You're kidding right?" I pointed to her outfit.

"Caribbean islands here I come!" She exclaimed ignoring me as she skipped out of the room and down the staircase.

"Oh Cleo? Be a dear and bring the luggage. I'll be outside!" She hollered from downstairs followed by the slam of our front door.

Thankfully our parents were away on their anniversary trip in Disney world (they're like kids on the inside) or they would've flipped their lid if they saw Steph's outfit.

I let out a huff and dragged both of our luggage down the stairs making sure I didn't trip. I finally packed up our 2012 Toyota Camry with our luggage and climbed into the passenger side as my sister made duck faces and checked her lip gloss in the rear view mirror. She smiled, and blasted "One Love" by Bob Marley on the radio.

'This is gonna be a long trip' I thought to myself as we pulled out of the driveway.

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