Island Nights

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Holly awkwardly made her way down the entrance, gripping her hands on the floor and letting her left foot dangle and right foot search for the broken metal ramp. Jace and I were holding onto her arms to make sure she didn't fall. Just before jumping down, Seth was standing and the end of the metal ramp staring up at us.

"Well isn't that a nice view." He shielded his eyes from the sun.

"Oh no." Holly groaned.

"Just help her down!" I replied irratated.

"At your service my lady." he extended his arms out and knelt down at the base of the ramp.

Holly pushed off the ledge, slid down the metal ramp and landed right into Seth's arms almost knocking him over. Seth held her close and beamed with his dimple showing.

"Thanks." Holly half smiled and proceeded to get out of his hold. Seth held her closer and looked deep into her emerald green eyes.

"Knight in shining armor right?" He whispered in her ear. Holly held his gaze before rolling her eyes.

"Put me down." Holly said unsatisfied and squirmed from his grip. His rejected look was priceless.

"Aren't you supposed to be looking after Stephanie?" Jace hollered with one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, but you guys were taking long. What did you find?" He hollered back taking his attention away from Holly who had her finger shoved in her ear.

"I'll tell you when we get down from here." Jace replied and started to descend down the entrance.

"Cleo I'll wait for you below to help you down. Don't want to repeat that scene right?" He gripped the floor and motioned his head towards Seth. "Oh and one more thing," his head was slightly visible from the floor, "try not to be as heavy." Jace's hazel green eyes gleamed before he disappeared down below. I heard a thump and proceeded to make my way towards the entrance.

"Try not to be as heavy huh? Hmph." I said to myself. I lowered myself down and let my feet dangle.

"Ready?" I shouted over my shoulder.

"Let go." Jace called back. As soon as my fingers released their grip, I felt a cool rush of air and next thing I know I landed straight into Jace's arm.

"As light as a feather." He smiled at me as he helped me onto my feet.

"Alright what did you guys find?" Seth walked over towards us.

"The copilot and Nova are dead. Not a single person is on board. Everything is totally wrecked. And, uh, oh yeah, none of our luggage is there either." Jace said as he counted off each detail with his fingers.

"Great we have nothing." Seth exhaled.

"Well I found some bags. Plus I'm starving guys. Can we please head back to the shore and get some food? We can search the bags there and keep and eye on Steph until she wakes up." Holly motioned towards the forest.

"Holly's right. We need to eat." Jace rubbed his stomach. " We can piece this all together later." He said as he limped his way over to the pile of luggage Holly stacked near the end of the plane.

"How's your foot doing bro?" Seth said as he caught up to him.

"It's not too bad. I'll be alright." Jace waved it off and proceeded to pick up two two ruby suitcases.

Wait... those were MINE.

"That's my luggage!" I exclaimed. Jace smiled and jogged over towards me and Holly. I took my luggage from his hand and thanked him.

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