Bonus Chapter: Fireside

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Another day came as the sun stood alone in the middle of the sky.  It's been a total of four days that we've been on this island and we were all getting antsy, trying to stay positive but fearing the true outcome that we may not make it off this island. Jace and I were on fire duty, as we trekked our way through the forest back to the shore. Holly, Stephanie, and Seth were on the search for some food on the plane. We still haven't seen any signs of the other passengers.

I was a few steps ahead of Jace and could hear the leaves crunching beneath his sandals. Slowly the wind blew just enough to cool the skin for a brief moment. The twigs and branches we collected were tucked neatly underneath my arms while Jace held a bag of fresh fruit. Once we cleared the trees, I dumped the sticks into the pit and Jace lined up the fruit among the rocks behind me.

"Looks like we made it back first." I said as I sat down next to the fire pit.

"And we have the usual mangoes, coconuts, bananas, and surprisingly...papaya? I think. " Jace said as he counted off the fruit but set the mysterious greenish-yellow looking one off to the side.

"Hey Jace do you hear that?" I asked him as he pulled the lighter from the briefcase and walked towards me.

"Hear what?" He listened carefully. His eyebrows pulled together in concentration.

"It's the sound of silence. No Seth or Steph arguing or nitpicking on Holly. Beautiful isn't it?" I said and closed my eyes. Jace chuckled and assembled the sticks to stand up.

"Music to my ears." He said and with two flicks the lighter sparked and a tiny flame was visible. He placed the flame underneath the sticks. As it licked around the wood,he blew gently on the smoke that started to form. After a few crackling noises, the fire pit came to life with heat emanating off of it.

"Want to go for a swim?" Jace asked as he tilted his head in the direction of the waves. "Our part is done so why not pass the time until the others come back." He slid off his shirt, revealing broad shoulders and an athletic build. I looked away immediately.

"Race you there!" I said as I ran towards the ocean trying to mask the blush that erupted on my face. 

"Wait for me!" I could hear him calling behind me as the water splashed up around us. My yellow t-shirt and jean shorts got soaked but I didn't care. Thankfully I wore my red one piece bathing suit underneath so nothing would show through.

"No fair, you had a head start." Jace splashed water in my face. He laughed at my ridiculous soaked appearance and I splashed water back into his face.

"You're just too slow." I retorted and attempted to wipe my hair out of my face.

"You kind of look like the little mermaid." He said as he motioned to my hair once I could see more clearly.

"Thanks Prince Eric." I joked as we swam around. The water was cold but refreshing, and you could see slightly through the water at the tiny fish that swam around our feet.

"So, when did you learn how to swim?" Jace asked as he floated on his back.

"I think when I was seven my dad would take our family to Lake Okeechobee. He would guides us to the water and hold onto our bellies as we kicked our feet in the water. Then one day he let me go and I was swimming on my own.

"And Stephanie?" he asked as he floated next to me. 

"My mom freaked out and said Dad threw Stephanie into the water, because she was scared of the water. But my dad claims he slipped on the rocks and pushed her in accidentally. She's emotional about the whole experience, but she can swim fairly well." I said attempting to float on top of the water.

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