Chapter 1

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Caleb had a baseball tournament today, so everyone had to wake up early and rush out the door. You see, neither Annie, Caleb, or Hayley were really morning people. Annie woke up early every once in a while to go to a gymnastics meet, but that wasn't often. Caleb's games were getting more often since he is older. They are sometimes up to 4 games a weekend.

As they walk out the door Annie grabs the camera "Can't forget this!" She turns it around and clicks on the camera.
"Good morning guys. It's like 6:30 am and we have to go to a stupid game."
Caleb is helping Billy put all the food, drinks, and gear into the trunk.
"It's better than a meet" Caleb replies immediately, glaring at the view-finder on the top of the camera. Annie turns around and gives him a look. He goes back to work.

"It's going to take about an hour and a half, so I'm going to sleep. See you there!" and she clicks off the camera.
It was really hot and humid out in the Maryland sun in June, and they forgot their shade umbrellas at home. They stayed in the car for a while but the gas started to run low, so they got out. They walked to the sitting area behind home plate. Annie was over in the field being Annie. Flipping. Jumping. Flipping some more. It's crazy some of the stuff she does. Caleb was at bat. It was easy to spot him. He was always number 7. He had a oversized white jersey with a big navy blue 7 in printed on the back. Hayley was complaining about being hungry. It was a tie game. If Caleb struck this ball out of the park they would win. Parents behind them were roaring. Woo-ing and clapping. Screaming "COME ON CALEB. YOU CAN DO IT." He swung the bat. Miss. He got prepared to swing. The ball came right at him. Like right at him. Not the bat. Out in the crowd they were still yelling.

Katie and Hayley watch as Caleb goes down. His bat goes flying. The crowd gasps at the limp body laying in the dirt. The coach runs over. Katie leaps up and runs over. "Call an ambulence" Were the only orders she got. And she knew.

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