My Bloody Valentine

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"Can I come?" Alex asked.

Dean hesitated. "Do you want to?"

"Hells yeah," Alex nodded. She waited for Sam to come out before going back into change. When she came out, Dean already had changed. "Ready?" When Alex nodded, he added, "Okay. Let's roll."


They drove down to St. James Medical Center. The walked through the door, showed their badges, and headed down the hall. They passed a bald man in a suit and tie, carrying a brief case. Sam turned to stare at him, a strange expression on his face. "You okay?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam shook the feeling off.

They walked through the doors into the autopsy room. Dr. Corman was standing there. "Agents Marley and Ford, you guys just couldn't stay away," he greeted them warmly. Alex smiled.

"Heard you tagged another double suicide." Dean looked around.

"Well, I just finished closing them up."

"Dr. Corman, this is my good friend, Agent Cliff." He motioned to Sam. "He was in the area, and I thought it would be a good idea to call him in."

"Agent Cliff," Dr. Corman acknowledged him. "Well, I've just finished up my prelims. I pulled the organ sets and sent off the tox samples."

"Great. You mind if we take a look at the bodies?"

"Not at all. But like I said, their good-and-plenties are already tupperwared."


"Leave the keys up front with Marty when you leave. And please, gentlemen . . . refrigerate after opening." With that, he left. Alex laughed.

Dean walked over to the fridge, and pulled out a couple tupperware containers. He handed one to Alex, who put it down on the examination table before going to grab a pair of gloves. She pulled them on, then cracked open the container. "Stomach. Wonderful."

Both Dean and Sam had grabbed a heart. Dean slid his towards Sam. "Be my Valentine?"

Alex chuckled. Sam just rolled his eyes, turning back to his heart. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa," he stopped. "These hearts have identical marks." Alex dropped her stomach, standing up to stand by Sam. "Check it out. It looks like some kind of writing." Alex agreed. It looked familiar. "Oh no."


"I think it's Enochian." Sam looked up at Dean.

"You mean like angel scratches? So you think it's like the tagging on our ribs?"

"Dean, I don't know."

Alex studied the marks. "Definitely looks like Enochian," she confirmed. "Shall we call in the expert?"

Dean agreed. "Hell," he muttered, pulling out his phone. "Cas? It's Dean. Room 31-C, basement level, St. James Medical Center."

As he said the last words, Castiel appeared right in front of him, phone next to his ear. "I'm there now," he told him. Alex smiled.

"Yeah, I see that."

"I'm going to hang up now." Castiel hung up the phone.

"Hey angel," Alex joked.

Castiel turned to look at her, slightly confused. "Human." He dipped his head in greeting and Alex grinned broadly. "What's going on?" he asked.

Alex motioned to the the hearts. "Enochian? Sammy seems to think so."

Castiel approached. He picked up one of the hearts, studying it closely. "You're right, Sam. These are angel marks. I imagine you'll find similar marks on the other hearts as well--"

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