Chapter ten: Kiss the Girl...

Start from the beginning


After about twenty minutes or so of being carried, because Masky refused to let me walk, we arrived at the park. Surprisingly, the beautiful place was deserted at this time of night; though, it was only eleven. I still can't believe he wouldn't even let me walk! How dare he? I thought in mock rage, giving him a side glance.

"You continue to sneak glances at me, why?" Masky stated simply, ending with a question; not even looking at me.

"Why didn't you let me walk?" I sighed, now fully looking at him as we continued down a stone path trail.

"It is such a gorgeous night," He stated, completely ignoring my question.

Inwardly groaning, I turned my eyes back to the stone path that we traveled on. I had to agree with him; it was a stunning night. We walked in silence for a good, solid two minutes before an idea popped its way into my childish mind. I wonder...

"Hey, Masky...?" I prodded his side, causing his black holes for eyes to turn on me.

"Hm?" He hummed, smiling slightly.

"Have... Have you ever played tag?" I questioned with a giggle, mentally slapping myself for it.

I hated giggling. It always reminded me of obnoxious school girls or flirting fan girls; whether it was the word, or the action. C'mon Nyra! Pull your fucking wits together!

"Tag?" Masky tilted his head slightly, "Is that some sort of weapon?"

"No!" I exclaimed, stepping in the way of his path and blocking him with a smirk, "It's a game!"

I rolled my eyes, feeling the confused vibe roll of him. Quickly explaining the game, I poked his cheek and ran for it; laughing like the fucking crazy ass I am. Stealing a glance from behind me, I stopped with a puzzled expression; Masky wasn't anywhere in sight. Um... I know he did not just fucking ditch – A sudden force hit me from my side, knocking the wind out of me. My tackler and I were sent rolling down a small hill; my attacker landed underneath me, chuckling.

"I like that game," It was Masky, "Tag, was it?"

I started to giggle uncontrollably, looking down at his white face; his black lips drawn back into a large grin. Conveniently, we landed in a patch of purple and yellow flowers; it reminded me of a romantic scene from some movies. Actually, now that I thought about it, this reminded me of what would usually happen in a chick-flick; the star-filled sky, the nice breeze, the patch of flowers that we had landed it.

"Mhmm..." I nodded in response, slowly noticing the position that I had landed on him.

I was sitting on Masky's stomach, while his knees were bent; they pressed against my back. He flashed me another one of his heart warming grins, slowly sitting up. He now sat with his legs crossed; still, I sat in his lap. Is he doing what I think he is?! Masky was slowly leaning towards me, almost hesitantly. Shit! Butt flying monkeys! I inwardly screeched in panic, quickly rolling off him; interrupting the kiss I was about to receive from him.

"My apologies..." Masky mumbled, getting to his feet.

Shit... That was close... I thought in pure relief, taking his offered hand. It was firmly self-promised, that if I kissed him, I would only end up falling more in love with him; only, if I kissed him or he kissed me, there would be no escape for me. Fuck these feelings... Bastard heart... Masky started pulling me to my feet.

"Thank you-" I started to voice my gratitude, only to be smothered in a kiss.

Fuck me! I inwardly started beating him to a pulp, feeling my eyes flutter shut. Masky was kissing me. Well, fuck... As soon as I started kissing back, he jerked away and started walking off; as if nothing happened.

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