Chapter three: He Can Stay

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Alyx's POV:

"Let's go!" Nyra shoved me towards the door as the two males continued fighting.

Damn, they mean business! I couldn't help but think, throwing one last glance at the fighting figures. Masky had Jeff pinned to the wall, which didn't stop the crazed sociopath; Jeff acted like a cornered animal, lashing out with his blade and screeching in fury.

"Shit!" I yelped, pulling Nyra away from my splintering door.

Within a couple of seconds, the door was broken down by a large black and red creature. The snarling creature inched towards me and Nyra, forcing us back until we were against the wall. Its face was the scariest feature of its dog form; this was Smile Dog. Smile was bigger than the average Husky, with red fur were the white fur was supposed to be. His red eyes sparked with aggression as he glanced between me and Nyra.

"You've seen too much..." Smile Dog snarled, snapping his sharp fangs.

"Smiles, I need help!" Masky's voice strained to stay calm, "Put Jeff down!"

Instantly, Smile Dog was at Masky's side, staring intently at a pinned Jeff. I could only watch in horror as Jeff's eyes widened before he started screeching curses, clutching his head and curling into a ball; his screaming voice bounced off the walls. I hated seeing someone in pain, even if that person was a sociopath with psychotic intentions; he was still human like me, right?

"Stop, you're hurting him!" I screamed at the other two, earning a hand to get placed over my mouth.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" Nyra hissed in my ear, removing her hand as Smile approached us again; leaving Jeff to pant on the floor.

"You dare challenge me?!" The abnormal dog barked, keeping the eye contact he had made with me, "I am your worst nightmare..."

Suddenly, I was on the floor, clutching my head and curling up; like Jeff's previous state. Bloody images ran through my head; my mother was sliced up, her internal organs were spilling up. Leon's pained scream rang in my ears, followed by an image of his body; his limbs were twisted and broken. Stop! Stop, please! I begged inwardly, barely hearing Nyra's voice calling my name. What seemed like hours of torture, was only a matter of seconds as the brutal images left my vision; leaving me to shake horribly. I closed my eyes, feeling the world around me spin in fury; voices were slightly heard, they seemed to be fighting.

"Alyx..." Nyra's voice was barely audible to my ears.

I was out like a light.


"She'll be fine, I didn't give her too much of a bad vision," A hushed voice whispered, causing me to open my eyes slowly.

I was lying on my couch with a blanket drawn over me; my head resting on someone's lap. Memories of the previous events flooded my mind, causing me to sit bolt straight up, looking around my living room with widened eyes. Sitting next to me, which my head was on their lap a few seconds ago, was a startled Nyra. On the other couch, laid an out-cold Jeff; he snored slightly. It wasn't a dream! It wasn't a dream! Oh, shit! My breath got caught in my throat as I snapped my gaze over to a normal looking Husky; he seemed to be glaring at me.

"Ah, you are awake," I leaned towards a quiet Nyra, looking over to a man in a mask, "I was afraid that Smiles had severely traumatized you're brain functions."

"Great, thanks for the concern," Nyra snapped, hugging me, "Now can you just leave?!"

"I am afraid I cannot do that, just yet," Masky pointed at a snoring Jeff, "Not until he awakes."

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