"What do you mean? Are you talking about the whole Eunji thing?" Kai asked. And I nodded my head.

"Ne. She showed up at the ice cream shop when I was with Suzy yesterday. And Kai she's up to no good" I said.

"I knew that from the start. Why did you sleep with her again?" Kai asked and I just shook my head. I couldn't even explain why.

"I don't know Kai. I guess I was just caught up in the moment. And wasn't thinking." I said.

"Well you have to tell Suzy before her memory comes back. Because when it does. Sehun your in for it" Kai said making me feel 10 times worse.

"I know. I know. I just need more time" I said. Before looking out of the window. To see that rain had finally stopped. And the sky was some what clearing up.

"Finally" I said before cranking the car. And driving around once again. Kai was looking around and said he didn't see any sign of Suzy.

My heart fell into my stomach when I thought of us not finding her. But I knew that I had to keep a positive mind in order to get through this.

We were driving down unfamiliar streets now. And I was beginning to lose hope.

"Look Kai. Mayb-"

"FOUND HER!" Kai yelled and I halted the car.

I looked over to where he was a looking. And saw her with this guy. And.....it looked like he was trying to hurt her.

"Is he trying to hurt her?" I asked. But before Kai could respond. I was already walking towards them.

Suzy's POV

"Luhan I told you that the rain would stop. Now look at you. Your all wet" I said looking at Luhans dripping appearance.

"I didn't know. I was trying to catch a cab." Luhan said while wiping his face.

"I guess that's just how deers act. They never listen" I said teasing. Knowing that Luhan hates when I call him a deer. Because it's never a positive comparison.

"Your going to make me result to measures. I was hoping I never had to go to" Luhan said. And my eyes became wide.

He was about to tickle me....

"No wait Lu-"

And before I could get the words out. He started to tickle me. And I was laughing uncontrollably.

"Wait(laugh) I (laugh) have to pee" I said laughing.

"Well you should've thought about that before you called me a deer" Luhan said.

And then next thing I knew. I was pushed away from Luhan. And Luhan was punched in the face by.....Sehun?

"Sehun what are you doing?! Stop!" I yelled while I jumped in front of him. To stop him from hitting Luhan again.

I then saw Kai walk up and pull Sehun away. And I stood near Luhan. Who was confused and bleeding.

"Sehun what the hell!?" I yelled.

"This guy was hurting you. What do you mean? Who is this?" Sehun asked.

"He wasn't hurting me! This is my friend Luhan. The one I told you about!" I yelled.

"Wait. The friend you were talking about coming to my job with was....Sehun" Luhan said with wide eyes.

"Friend?" Sehun said looking at me and I didn't say anything. I had no answers.

"So what are you and him a couple now or something?" Sehun asked angrily.

"No! I was walking around the building when Luhan and I bumped into each other. And he invited me to lunch. You were busy so I didn't think you would mind." I said.

"Wouldn't mind? Suzy I didn't know where you were. I thought you were in the bathroom"Sehun said and I didnt say anything.

"Suzy you go with Sehun. And I'll walk Luhan back to the office" Kai said before walking to Luhan. And Sehun walked up to me and grabbed my hand to pull me to the car.

I looked back at Luhan. And he was watching me leave. With a confused look on his face.

Poor Luhan.

"I'm sorry" I mouthed before getting into the car.


Wow! This is complete craziness. What do you guys think? Was Sehun the wrong one in this situation. Or was Suzy? Comment to let me know what you think.

Sincerely JadaAutumn: )

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