Silver Lining (21)

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Chapter 21

I quickly stood up staring at the two.  They rushed over to the bed looking down at Annibell.  I walked over to Colton reaching my hand out to touch him, but it only passed through his body.  I swayed my hand through him, but still I got no reaction from Colton.  I pulled my hand out of his body dissapointed.

"I was hoping they'd be back."  Colton said staring down at Ezibel.  So he knew what was happening at least. 

"They really were something."  Hanley said with a slight smile on his face, but in his eyes I could tell he was hurting.  I watched as Ezibel moved beside Hanley, her eyes watering.

"I don't want to give up this."  Ezibel said looking at Hanley.  Hanley moved a little looking around. 

Annibell started coughing uncontrollably.  I rushed over to her body knowing she couldn't do anything.  She moved around in the bed, thrashing out trying to breath.  I slowly breathed out calming myself knowing there was nothing I could do, but it was really scary.  As her breathing steadied, I sat down on the bed feeling weaker.  The light was starting to consume us.  Annibell, Ezibel, and I were growing weaker by the second. 

Colton punched the wall out of fury.  The wall shuddered, but it was to hard to break.  His knuckles did though.  A pop echoed in the air as they shattered.  I ran over to Colton, but only passed through him.  I sighed knowing I couldn't do anything to help him.  We were all worthless right now.  I had never seen Colton loose control like that though.

"I thought I could help them too.  I asked their parents if I could go back to protect them.  I was just leaving when the other Angel's arrived."  He touched his chest where the sword was no longer thinking about it.  "Lillian died saving us."  He shook his head running his good hand through his hair.

I snapped my eyes over to Ezibel.  She was crying.  I clenched my fists tight angry.  Lillian, my childhood friend, had given her life to save Colton and Hanley.  They were still roughed up, but she had given enough for them to live.  Deep down I knew she did it for me.  She saved Colton so that I wouldn't be lost for the rest of my life.  Colton was meant to be with me forever.  She saved Hanley because she knew I couldn't deal with seeing my sister being lost.  Her life wasn't part of the option.

"If we hadn't died Annibell would have never came out and saved Latella."  Hanley said with a hint of anger in his voice.  "If Latella was just left alone."  He muttered.  He was angry he couldn't help Ezibel, and he was taking it out on other things.

Annibell started coughing again her whole body shuddering.  Her eyes opened and her eyeballs rolled back as she thrashed around in the sheets.  I lay down in the bed feeling horrible.  Ezibel was on the other side of Annibell laying down.  Both of our bodies were starting to shake, neglecting our systems. 

I wondered if we were all meant to live together, it didn't seem so.  I smiled slightly thankful I would die in Latella.  I grabbed Annibell's hand, and this time it didn't pass through.  I pulled it closer to me, our bodies shuddering together. 

"Did you.."Colton asked looking down at Annibell's hand.  He had seen it move.

"They're here."  Hanley muttered.  He looked down at Ezibel as if he could actually see her.  I looekd at Colton as he stared down at me with a crooked smile on his face.  I smiled.

"She was just there."  Colton said kneeling down next to the bed.

"Ezibel.. Evangeline.. keep doing whatever your doing.  It's bringing you two back."  Hanley almost yelled.  I looked over at Colton seeing his face, hope.  I could see hope, hope and love.

"Ezibel there is always love.  Remember love."  I said using Hanley's words.  I looked at my long lost sister remembering in the cave when we first met face to face.  How she had been so scared, but comforted when she was next to me.  I had known then that there would be more between us then just friends.  Just sisters. 

Lillian, how she would hover over my face worried.  Always wrapping me in hugs even though she knew I wasn't uch of a hugger.  The way she always had everything ready.  The way she looked at me so happy when we ran into the woods together ready to fight the hairy beast.

Hanley, always silent, but mysterious with so much knowledge of Latella locked up inside of him.  He always had a way of showing up out of nowhere.  The twinkle in his eyes when he was around Ezibel.

Trying on clothes with Carrie, her being such a pervert.  They way she was a cocky about her self, but in a funny way.  Tyler being so shy, but kind to my sister.  How he came out of his lonely shell when he was around us.  Cal, being a gentleman, but when he got around Lillian loosing control. 

Then Colton.  He opened up to me and only me.  He showed me his secrets.  He would always glimpse over at me when he thought I wasn't paying attention.  The way his soft lips pressed against mine.  I could go on forever, but I laughed as I could feel those warm arms wrapped around my body.

I cried happy that I was alive.  Colton held me tightly against his chest not wanting to let me go.  Even with his broken hand he was putting pressure on my body.  I stayed there feeling perfect in his arms.  I looked up into his eyes a smile on my face.  He kissed me on the forhead and I closed my eyes settling up against his chest.  I pulled his hand into my lap running my fingers over the broken bones.  I could feel a small amount of power coming from Ezibel as I healed Colton's hand. 

"Look the sun is rising!"  Ezibel said after a few minutes.  I turned around to see her pulling Hanley by the hand over to the window.  I smiled at Colton before doing the same.  The sun was slowly starting to come up.  I grabbed Ezibel's hand as the power passed between us happily. 

"I knew you could do it."  I heard Annibell whisper from inside of me.  I felt Ezibel's hand squeeze, she had heard it too.

"I bet Lillian is smiling right now."  I whispered.  I looked down at the ground.  People with crazy colored hair and no wings stood on the ground looking up at the sky.

"Wh.. who are they?"  I asked looking at the others.  Everybody looked confused besides Hanley.

"My people, the natives of Latella."  Hanley said like it was no big deal.  "They know they can trust you now, so they'll show themselves to you."  I sighed.  This whole time there was a whole race of people walking around us that we couldn't see. 

"I know what Annibell's wings mean."  Ezibel said randomly looking up into the sky.  "Everything has a silver lining."


So, I'm trying to decide if I want to end the story here or not so this is the time I definately need your comments and rates!  If I get a lot of rates, or some comments asking me to continue I certainly can think of more!  I know this story is really really short, but I want to know what you guys think.  Please comment before Tuesday the 16th.  I'd really appreciate it!

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